광명의 거인 샤치/대사
I am Þjazi, a proud jötun warrior. Bow before me! | 俺はシアチ。誇り高きヨトゥンの戦士だ。俺の力にひれ伏すがいい!! |
Dvergr independence? Hah! I will put them in their place and take my rightful one on the throne. | 小人族の独立だと…?俺は絶対に認めねえ!何としても支配してやる!! |
Jötunheimr is a country of strong warriors with no use for weaklings. | ヨトゥン王国は古の巨人を祖とする強く気高い戦士の国だ。弱い奴は生き残る価値もない。 |
Hm? Oh, you... You are so small I didn't notice you. Next time, chirp louder if you wish to draw attention. | …ん? いたのか。小さすぎて気づかなかったぜ。次から鳴き声でも上げるんだな。 |
Hey, you! Hold out your hand... Hah! Just as I thought. It only takes one arm to lift such a puny being. | おいてめえ。手を出してみろ。…ハハッ! やっぱりな。片手で持ち上がっちまったぜ。 |
Aha! Worthy opponents...show yourselves. Hm... Who should I crush first?! | ここには手応えのありそうな奴がゴロゴロいるな。誰から叩きのめしてやろうか… |
친구 방문
Point me to the strongest one here so I can crush them to bits! You can thank [Friend]. | この城で一番強い奴はどいつだ?[フレンド]が潰してこいとさ! |
레벨 업
Hahahah! Did you catch sight of that?! That...is true strength! | ッハハハハハ!!どうだ見たか! 俺の力を!! |
Those who dare oppose me, I will rip to pieces, limb by limb. | 邪魔する奴はぶっ潰す! |
I won't lose! | 俺は…負けねえ…! |
I see you have an eye for true strength. | 誰が強者なのか、よくわかってるじゃねえか。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
You... What are you— Refrain from prancing around my feet, unless your wish is to be crushed! Why must I listen to an ant like you, squeaking and chirping in my ear? Strength is the true equalizer. Should you defeat me in combat, I will accept your orders. Until then... I refuse to partake in this contract. You have wasted what little power you have in summoning me. I will flick these chains off with my pinkie. Then I shall brandish my blade. Say goodbye to your head! | あぁ? 何だてめえは…俺の足元をうろちょろするな。踏みつぶされてえのか? まったく、こんな蟻みたいな貧弱な奴に従わねえといけねえとは…屈辱以外の何物でもねえ。 俺は強い者しか認めねえ。てめえが俺を打ち負かしたんなら潔く従ってやる。 だが召喚だの契約だの…そんなものはくそくらえだ。俺は認めねえからな。 いつか契約の鎖を断ち切っててめえに刃を向けてやる。首を洗って待ってろよ! |
- | でりゃあぁっ |
- | 死ねぇっ! |
- | ぐあっ… |
- | クソがっ! |
오의 발동
You dare oppose me?! | 俺に逆らうのか? |
Shut up and obey! | 黙って従いやがれ! |
Impudent scum! | 無能なクズどもが! |
Quiet! | うるっせぇんだよ! |
I was fit for queen... | 俺は…女王に…… |
Haha! | はっ! |
I am Þjazi, a proud jötun warrior. | 俺はシアチ。誇り高きヨトゥンの戦士だ。 |
Hah! You thought you could stagger me with that subtle graze? | あぁ? そんなもんで俺が動じると思ったか? |
*spit* Impudent dvergar... Their place is to serve us and bring us something to feast on! | 生意気な小人族め…! 大人しく俺たちの飯でも作ってりゃいいものを。 |
The queen is a coward, trembling at the sight of dvergar prancing around, playing soldier with their little toys. | 女王は腰抜けだ。小人族どもの玩具みたいな兵器にビビッてやがる。 |
For jötnar, our strength is our virtue. Ha! We have no use for weaklings. | ヨトゥンでは強い者が正義だ。軟弱者に用はない。 |
They'll see... I will defeat Niðavellir. Then I shall take my rightful place on the throne. | 見てろよ…必ずニザヴェリルを倒し、女王の座を奪ってやる…! |
You... I think I could make fine use of you as my subordinate. | てめえ、少しは使えそうだな。俺の下僕にしてやろうか? |
아군 턴 터치
Who made you leader? | 偉そうに… |
Faster. | 早くしろ |
Kill them all! | 皆殺しだ! |