섬세한 궁수 스타루크/대사


Who, me? I'm Alcryst, the second prince of Brodia. Sorry, you were probably hoping for someone better...あっ、僕はブロディア王国の第二王子、スタルークと申します。すみません…来たのが僕で申し訳ないです…

Could you point me to some of the... less-impressive Heroes? I just want to make sure I'm in the right place.ひい…あっちもこっちも立派そうな英雄様がいっぱいで消えたいです…どこか狭くて暗い場所はありませんか…
Between my father and brother, Brodia is in good hands. I only hope I can be useful to my family one day...僕のいたブロディア王国は、立派な父と尊敬できる兄が統治を行っていました。僕も何かお力になれると良いのですが。
Am I in your way? I'm so sorry about that. I'll find someplace else to stand.あっ、通行の邪魔でしたよね…すぐにどきます……
It's me, the Brodian prince who isn't Diamant. I promise I'll do my best not to get in your way.はい、僕です…ブロディア王子の、ディアマンドじゃない方です…ここに存在し続けていてすみません…
Oh, don't mind me. I'm just watching this ant march around my foot. Kind of inspiring to see him work so hard...足元のアリを見ていました。我ながら薄暗い趣味ですよね…でも、一生懸命働いていて立派なんですよ…

친구 방문

I'm so sorry it's me who's here to greet you. I think there was a mistake at [Friend]'s castle...僕なんかが来てすみません…[フレンド]さんからの挨拶をお伝えして、速やかに帰ります…

레벨 업

I don't understand... How could so much growth happen to someone like me? What's happening?いったい何が…?僕なんかに一体何が…?
I feel stronger... Am I actually... satisfied? Aah! Don't mind me! L-let's just move on...強くなれて嬉しいです…あ…気にせず次へどうぞ…
I knew it. This is the best that someone like me can do...僕なんてどうせこんなもんです…


I'll do my best with this, but don't get your hopes up. I'm just leftover scraps compared to Diamant.き、期待にはお応えします…僕も、王子の端くれですから…一応。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, are you curious about my hair clip? It's just to keep all this unruly business up here under control.
My hair is kind of delicate. If I don't keep it pinned down, the slightest breeze will blow it all over the place.
I've thought about cutting it shorter, just to make sure it doesn't get in the way of my aim.
But I realized, if I did that, I'd be forcing everyone to get a full view of my face whenever they look at me.
No one deserves that kind of torture, right? Especially when dealing with me is already a nightmare.
What's that? You...you actually like seeing my face? But that's...
That's so unbelievably kind! Truly, your compassion is so warm I feel like I'm going to melt on the spot!
I should go. I've already taken up so much of your precious time. But from the bottom of my heart...thank you.
そんなの見たくないですよね!?…? あなたは見ても問題ないと?共に戦う、大切な仲間の顔だから…?
ひーっ! そんなに優しくしないでください!あなたの輝きで死んでしまいます!!僕はこれで、失礼しますーーっ!!





오의 발동

I will protect everyone.僕が守ります
I hope this is enough!いいですよね?
I have to win!勝ちますね
For the pride of Brodia!矜持を見せます


I'm so sorry...ああ…ごめんなさい……


You want to talk to me? You must be really desperate for something to do...暇なんですね…僕なんかを構ってしまうほどに、すごく暇なんですね…
Please don't shine your brilliant light on me! It only makes clear what a pathetic puddle of darkness I truly am!わあっ、召喚師様の輝きで照らさないでくださぁい!
You don't have to say it. I'm a waste. Just throw me in the trash where I belong.ゴミがついていますか? それとも、僕が大きなゴミですか…?
Did you need something? Whatever it is, I'm probably the worst person you could ask. I'm sorry!恐縮です…ああ、そんなにつついても、何も出ませんよ…?
It's me, Alcryst. Sorry, I thought you'd be even more disappointed if you mistook me for somebody else...スタルークです…誰かと間違えて構っていたら悪いので、念のため名乗りました…
I feel sick with guilt every time the Heroes call me one of them.英雄と呼ばれるたびに、恐縮で胃が痛んで病気になりそうです…
I'm sorry for smiling so much around you. I-I don't mean to be a burden, but I can't help but notice how wonderful you are.つつかれるたびに、実はちょっと嬉しくてすみません…あなたのような素晴らしい人に気にかけていただけて、今日はいい日だなあ…

아군 턴 터치

I'm ready.お願いします…
As you wish.どうぞお好きに…
I'm sorry you're stuck with me!あ、僕です…

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