신룡의 왕녀 뤼에르/대사


I'm the Divine Dragon Alear. I never imagined I'd be called upon like this, but I'm here to help however I can.私は神竜リュール。まさか、喚ばれる側になるなんて光栄です。来たからには必ず力になりますね。

Can I try to engage with you? It may not work, but it's worth a shot. Emblem engage! Hmm, nope.『エムブレム・エンゲージ!』…ふむ。あなたとエンゲージできるかと叫んでみましたが、何も起こりませんね。
My mother was everything a Divine Dragon should be. I will honor her last wish and bring peace to Elyos.母さんは、素晴らしい神竜でした。私はその遺志を継ぎ、十二の指輪を集めて必ずエレオス大陸に平穏をもたらします。
That weapon of yours looks a little tarnished. Want me to polish it up for you?良かったらその銃、綺麗にしましょうか?金属を磨くのは得意なんです。よく指輪を磨いていましたから。
I saw the most adorable owl earlier! Do you think anyone would mind if I adopted her?ここにいるフクロウ、とても可愛いですね。出先で動物を見かけたらつい連れ帰りたくなってしまいます。
Hm? Sorry, I must have nodded off. You have a very gentle way of waking people up, you know. It's nice.…すみません、少し居眠りをしていました。もしかして、起こしてくださったんですか?あなたの起こし方、とても優しいですね。

친구 방문

I am the Divine Dragon Alear. I came here to honor the bond between you and [Friend].私は神竜リュール。[フレンド]とあなたの絆を結ぶために参りました。

레벨 업

I hope to be as strong as my mother one day.母さんみたいに、強くなれましたか?
As long as I'm improving, I'm happy.実力が上がったのなら嬉しいです。
Sorry, everyone...すみません、皆さん…


Thank you so much. I promise to use this to help protect everyone.ありがとうございます。神竜として、皆のために戦います…!

5성 40레벨 달성

Thought I might find you here. This is where you come to rest after a battle, isn't it, [Summoner]?
Hm? How do I know? Well, I've been watching you, to get to know you better. Want to know what I've seen?
You're a wonderful person. In fact, the more we work together, the more you remind me of the Emblems.
Maybe it's just our connection, our bond of friendship, that reminds me of how I felt around them.
It's that warmth I think of, more than any ring. That feeling you get when you're sure someone is there for you.
So, I want to be that for you as well. I want to be by your side, protecting you to the end. Consider it a promise.





오의 발동

I am the Divine Dragon!神竜として!
This ends now.終わらせます
Grant me strength!私に力を
I am guided by the Emblems.紋章の導きです!




I'd like to be as much of a help to you as the Emblems were to me.私も紋章士のように、あなたの力になりたいです。
Oh! Hi! Good to see you.わあ、傍にいてくださったんですね、とても嬉しいです。
The sky is gorgeous here. Sometimes I feel like I'm back on the Somniel.ここは空が美しいですね。なんだか、私が眠っていた離宮「ソラネル」を思い出します。
Some of the Heroes here look an awful lot like certain Emblems I know. I can't wait to talk to them!英雄たちの中には、私の知る紋章士によく似た方もいます。是非お話をしたいですね。
Want to hear a secret? I only ever get bed head on the blue side of my hair.この髪、実は蒼いほうだけ寝グセがつきやすいんです。ふふ…内緒ですよ?
I don't know if I'll ever get used to not having an Emblem Ring...いつも嵌めていた指輪が無いのには、まだ少し慣れませんね。
How do I merge with an Emblem? I just shout "Emblem, Engage!" Go on, give it a try. You never know.『エムブレム・エンゲージ!』こう叫ぶと、紋章士と一体化できるんですよ。いつかあなたも、誰かとエンゲージするのでしょうか。

아군 턴 터치

I understand.わかりました
What to do…どうしましょう
I've got this.やってみせます

캐릭터 페이지로