해변의 신룡 뤼에르/대사


I am the Divine Dragon Alear. It looks as if we get to enjoy the summer ocean together!私は神竜リュール。これもひと夏の出会いでしょうか。一緒に海を満喫しましょう!

You dropped something in the ocean and it rusted? Let me shine it for you. I have practice polishing accessories.海に装飾品を落として錆びた…?任せてください、私がぴかぴかにします。指輪や腕輪を磨くのは得意なんですよ。
There's been so much fighting since I woke that this is the first chance I've had to enjoy a summer vacation.目覚めてからは戦の日々で、夏を満喫することはありませんでした。夏休みって、良いものですね。
I love the shape of these seashells. I want to take a bunch as souvenirs for everyone on the Somniel.美しい形の巻貝を見つけました。沢山拾って、ソラネルで待っている皆へのお土産にしたいです。
Imagine if somewhere a world exists where Emblems reside in inner tubes. Makes you laugh to think about it.浮き輪に紋章士が宿っているなんて世界も、どこかにあるかもしれませんね。想像したら微笑ましいです。
The summer sky is so rich with color. From cloudless, clear blue skies to crimson-dyed sunsets... I love it all.夏の空は、とても色彩豊かですね。雲一つない青空に、真っ赤な夕焼け空…私は、そのどちらも大好きですよ。

친구 방문

I bring a seaside breeze and wishes for a summer full of good memories from [Friend].[フレンド]の使いで、ご挨拶と潮風を運んで参りました。思い出深い夏になると良いですね。

레벨 업

We should keep enjoying ourselves to the fullest. Summer engage!この調子で満喫しましょう。サマーエンゲージ!
Getting the chance to grow stronger like this will make for another great summer memory.こうして強くなれたことも、夏の思い出になりますね。
What do you mean I let my guard down? I must have gotten caught up in the summer vacation.夏休みだからといって気が抜けていたでしょうか…!?


This makes my heart sing. What kind of summer do you suppose I'll have with power like this?胸が高鳴ります。この力で、どんな夏が過ごせるでしょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

You're always doing your best, but you shouldn't push past your limits in the heat, [Summoner].
Take a nice nap in the shade. I'll have someone on duty wake you, and we'll alert you if a battle should break out.
I've had so much fun since I began spending summers with you. I want to give you a token of my appreciation.
It is a ring made from tropical grasses and flowers. No Emblems reside in it, but plenty of memories do.
I believe the memories we share of this summer will make us stronger, so please keep it with you.





오의 발동

Guided by summer!常夏の導きです!
A vast ocean!海は広いです!
Here I go!飛び込みます!
Summer engage!サマーエンゲージ!


Overdid it...はしゃぎすぎました…


I am accustomed to swimming on the Somniel, but never in such a massive sea.ソラネルでも泳げましたが、広い海で泳ぐのは、また格別ですね。
Oh! What is it? Is something on me? I was just swimming, so maybe it's seaweed!わわ、何かついていましたか? さっき海で泳いだので、海藻とか…?
Presenting a ring on the beach is considered a grand gesture? Sounds lovely. And...if it's an Emblem ring? Is that grand too?海辺で指輪を渡したらロマンチック? それは、紋章士の指輪でもいいのでしょうか。
I got this swimsuit from the boutique. It just came out this summer.水着は、馴染みのアクセサリー屋で買いました。この夏の新作なんですよ。
You must be overheating in that outfit. I should have brought you an extra swimsuit from the Somniel.その格好、暑くありませんか? ソラネルから予備の水着を持ってくればよかったですね。
Fluffy white clouds, big blue sea, a salty breeze... I question if the me from before knew of such wonders.大きな雲、青い海、この潮風を…眠る前の私も、知っていたのでしょうか。
I am intent on making up for the thousand summers I missed while sleeping. So please, summer, engage with me!私が眠っていた千年分の夏を、今ここで楽しみたいです。さあ、私と夏のエンゲージをしてください!

아군 턴 터치

What fun!楽しいですね
It's quite hot.暑いです
I feel so energized!張り切ります

캐릭터 페이지로