왕국에 바치는 사랑 알폰스/대사


The Day of Devotion is upon us! I hope to express my love in a fashion I can call my own.今年も愛の祭りの季節がやってきたんだね。僕なりの愛を届けさせてもらうよ。

Are these clothes a bit much? Commander Anna was in charge of the Day of Devotion preparations...アンナ隊長に祭りの装束を用意してもらったんだけど…この装束、派手じゃないかな?
Nothing is more precious or more enduring than bonds of fellowship. Many Heroes have taught me that.人が人を想う気持ち。それはなにより尊く強いと…僕は多くの英雄から学んだよ。
I can feel the joy of the citizenry celebrating the Day of Devotion. That is the joy I want to defend.アスクの民と一緒に愛の祭りを祝えることに、幸せを感じるよ。この幸せを僕は守りたいんだ。
Do you have a festival like the Day of Devotion in your world too? You must tell me all about it sometime.[召喚師]君の世界にも愛の祭りはあったのかい?よければ今度、話を聞かせてくれないか。
Princess Veronica is attending the festival as well... I hope there can be peace between us, if just for now.ヴェロニカ皇女も愛の祭りに参加しているんだね。一時でも、両国が親しくなれるといいな。

친구 방문

Would you care to come join the Day of Devotion festivities happening over at [Friend]'s castle?[フレンド]の城では今、愛の祭りを開催しているんだ。よければ、君も遊びに来てほしいな。

레벨 업

I care about you, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you feel the same.心よりの愛を君に。受けとってもらえると、うれしいな。
I must be distracted by all these thoughts of love...…すまない。愛の意味について考えていたせいかな…
Rather embarrassing...なにを恥ずかしがっているんだ、僕は…。


Thank you. This must be yet another way you show your affection.ありがとう。きっとこれも君なりの愛の形なんだね。

5성 40레벨 달성

The Day of Devotion festival was a success again this year!
The people gathered here speak with joy and love in their voices.
Someday I, too, hope to have someone at my side to celebrate the Day of Devotion with...
But for now, my priority is bringing peace to Askr and protecting the lives of its people...
Those hopes consume my every thought and desire.
Until then, I will fight as hard as I can so that Askr can continue celebrating the Day of Devotion.


For youあげるよ


Not bad...やるね…

오의 발동

Understand me now?僕の気持ちだよ
With humility...いつもありがとう
Will you accept this?受け取ってくれるかい?
I hope you like it!これは好きかな




Happy Day of Devotion! Let's enjoy ourselves today.愛の祭り、おめでとう! 今日は楽しもう。
What? Oh! But...today isn't a good day for horseplay.わあっ!? もう…こんな日くらい悪ふざけは控えたらどうだい?
This festival brought my mother and father together. Nothing could make me happier.今回の祭りは母上と、父上も一緒なんだ。こんなに嬉しいことはないよ。
I'd like to give gifts to all the Heroes helping the Order, but...well...特務機関の英雄みんなに贈り物を贈れたらいいんだけど…
I am so excited to get presents... Did anybody notice that? Anybody?みんな、君から贈り物がもらえるかソワソワしているよ。気づいてるかい?
One mistake and I might have ended up just like Líf...ひとつ違えば僕もリーヴ…彼のようになっていたかもしれない…
This is for you. To me, you are just as important as family.はい、これは君に。僕にとって君は家族同然に大切な人だよ。

아군 턴 터치

As you say.言うとおりに
A gift!贈り物だよ

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