미소를 지키는 꽃 알프레드/대사


I'm Alfred, crown prince of Firene. As soon as you summoned me, I dashed here with all my might!フィレネ王国第一王子、アルフレッドだ。君に呼ばれた気がして、元の世界から全速力で駆け付けたよ!

Since coming to Askr, I've been feeling great! If I can hold on to that, I know I can be of use to you.ここに来てからは良い調子だ。このまま、何の陰りもない英雄として召喚師の役に立てればいい…
Firene is a peaceful kingdom, full of flowers. I'd love to show you around Florra Mill Town someday!我がフィレネ王国は花の咲き乱れる平和の国だったんだよ。いつか君にもあの風車村の風景を見せたいな。
Do I see some big muscles hiding under that robe? No? Well, let's train and bulk up together!君ほどの大英雄ならさぞかし筋肉も隆々なのだろうね。え、そんなことはない?では共に強靭な肉体を作ろうじゃないか!
I've heard of a beautiful flower garden here in Askr. Would you like to go? We could run there—then it's training too!アスクは素晴らしい花畑を有しているね。今度、一緒に行ってくれないかい?君と共に…走り込みをしたい気分なんだ!
Hup! Hup! Yes! Training went smoothly today. Check out that definition!ふんっ! ふんっ! よし!!日課の筋肉鍛錬が滞りなく終わったよ。どうだい、より逞しくなっただろう?

친구 방문

I'm Firene's crown prince, Alfred! I jogged right over to give you this. It's from [Friend].僕はフィレネ王国第一王子アルフレッド![フレンド]からの書簡をここまで走って持って来たのさ。

레벨 업

Great results. Take a look at my muscles and you'll see why!素晴らしい成果だ。どうだい、僕の強靭な肉体は。
Not bad! My muscles are singing a happy tune!これはいい成果だ。筋肉も喜びの声を上げているよ。
Sometimes things just work out this way. That's all there is to it.おや、仕方ないね。たまにはこういうこともあるさ。


If you give me something, I'll make use of it. That's why I'm training so hard.どんな力も使いこなしてみせるさ。そのために鍛えているんだ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey there! I was just thinking about you, and here you are. Lucky me!
I've gotten even stronger since I got here—big gains! And that's thanks to you. To think that I was worried...
Summoned to fight, all that stress and strain... I thought it would take its toll on me!
Turns out I had nothing to fear. Even when I've been down, you're there. With your support, I'm staying strong!
What I mean to say is, you have my thanks. My strength is your strength. I wish you luck!





오의 발동

Scatter like petals!花と散れ!
Wither and fall!手折らせてもらう!
Serves you right!幸福だったかい?
I'm relentless!強靭な一撃を!


The flower's been cut...ここで、散るのか…


I have been making big gains lately! Nice of you to notice!ここの筋肉が気になるのかい? お目が高いね!
Yeah, I'm still working on my arms. They'll bulk up soon though, you'll see.そこはまだ鍛えている途中なんだ。きっちり仕上げたあとに、また触れてくれ。
I feel like I'm getting to know you. Hey, how about we go for a run? Friends always train together.君とこうしていられて幸せだよ。友好のしるしに、走り込みでもどうだい?
My kingdom, Firene, was entrusted with the ring of Emblem Celica. Maybe you've heard of her?僕の国、フィレネ王国に託されていたのは紋章士セリカだ。聞いたことのある名前かい?
I usually get fresh flowers for my crown when they start to wilt. Ever since I got to Askr, though, they just...haven't.冠の花は本物だよ、なぜかこの地に来てから全く枯れる気配がないんだ。
I've seen some Heroes with amazingly huge muscles around here! I need to learn their secrets.む、向こうにムッキムキの英雄が…素晴らしい、ぜひ筋肉の秘訣をご教授いただかねば!
I'm happy to spend time with you, if you'd like to sit and chat. Oh, are you feeling sleepy? Let me sing you a lullaby!こんなに君に気にかけられて、僕は幸せ者だね。折角だから少し話そうか。ああ、もし疲れているなら君が安眠できるまで、笛でも奏でて差し上げよう。

아군 턴 터치

All right.よーし
We fight for peace!平和のために
Of course.勿論さ

캐릭터 페이지로