비익의 상사상애 아름/대사


Alm : Happy Day of Devotion! I'm Alm, and this pretty lady is Celica. We're here to enjoy the festivities together!アルム : 愛の祭、おめでとう!僕はアルム。彼女はセリカだよ。ふたりでお祭りを回ってたんだ。

Alm : If you're grateful to someone, be sure to tell them before it's too late. Sad to say, they won't be around forever.アルム : 想いや感謝を伝えたい人にいつまでも会えるとは限らない…ちょっと切ないね。
Celica : I am overjoyed by the good fortune of having Alm at my side every day. We were separated for so long...セリカ : アルムといつも一緒にいられてすごく幸せよ。ずっと離れ離れだったから…
Alm : So...what kind of present would make you smile? Wait, wait! I want to try guessing first. I bet I'll get it!アルム : 君が喜んでくれるものって何だろう?…ああ、言わないで!当ててみせるから!
Alm : You look like you could use a snack. I'll happily share some of mine with you. It's cheap, but tasty!アルム : あっ、[召喚師]!これ一口食べないかい?屋台で買ったんだけど美味しいよ。
Celica : We're about to enjoy a banquet, but Alm won't stop snacking... Can you help me talk some sense into him?セリカ : 夜にはご馳走が出るのに、アルムったら買い食いしてばかりなの。あなたも叱ってあげて。

친구 방문

Celica : We come bearing a message of amity from [Friend].セリカ : [フレンド]から伝言よ。あなたにもたくさんの愛が降り注ぎますように…

레벨 업

Celica : People grow stronger when they have someone to protect. This drive can bring forth untold power from within.セリカ : 守るものがあるからこそ、人は強くなれるのね…きっと。
Celica : This seems about right. Our reach ought not exceed our grasp.セリカ : ちょうどいいんじゃないかしら。求めすぎちゃいけないわ。
Alm : There you are! Oh, but... I forgot your gift.アルム : あ…ご、ごめん!君への贈り物、忘れてきちゃった!


Alm : You would bestow this power on us? Thank you. It makes us happier than you know.アルム : 僕たちを祝福してくれるのかい?ありがとう。すごく嬉しいよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Alm : Oh, hello, [Summoner]!
So many gifts you have there! I can barely see the top of the pile. You're one sought-after summoner, eh?
Celica : I trust you're prepared to carry all of those home with you. With that said, I do hope we weren't too late...
Alm : Don't fret, Celica. I'm sure one more wouldn't topple the pile. Isn't that right, [Summoner]?
Celica : I suppose that's true. Well, then... Here, with our blessing. We worked together to pick it out, you know.
Alm : Oh no! Maybe one more was one too many... Don't worry, though! Once you unbury yourself, you'll love it!
Here's to many more happy days together!
アルム : [召喚師]!わあ、すごい数の贈り物だね。贈り物が歩いてるみたいだ。
セリカ : ほんとに、すごい数…持って帰るのも大変ね。……あの、……
アルム : セリカ、遠慮しないで。きっと[召喚師]は受け取ってくれるよ。そうだろ?
セリカ : …そうね、アルム。はい、これ。私とアルムから。ふたりで選んだのよ。
アルム : あーあ…とうとう顔が見えなくなっちゃった。でも分かるよ。君が喜んでくれてるって。改めて、これからもよろしく。





오의 발동

Duo : With love!二人 : 愛を込めて!
Duo : Love you, Celica! And I you, Alm!二人 : 大好きだよ …私も!
Alm : This is for you!アルム : これを贈るよ
Celica : Take this!セリカ : 受け取ってね


I thought we'd make it...想いが…足りなかったかな…


Ha ha...ふふ…
• You've become pretty important to us, you know.
• It's true. Thank you so much for all you do for us.

아군 턴 터치

Sure thing.ええ
Let's deliver.届けよう
Which to choose...何がいいかしら?

공격시 후위 서포트

Keep it together!しっかり!
Take care, OK?気をつけてね

비익/쌍계 스킬

• Let's go, Celica.
• I'm ready.
• What a lovely day.
• Let's try to enjoy it.

비익/쌍계 대화

Celica : Hmm, let's see... A hairpin would suit Mae... And a book for Boey. But what about Nomah and Genny?
Ohh... Picking out Day of Devotion gifts for everyone is harder than I thought. I'm running out of time.
セリカ : えっと…メイには髪飾りでしょう?ボーイには本がいいわ。ノーマさまとジェニーには…
Alm : Wow, Celica, you're sending each and every one of our friends a gift? Picking them out must be tough.アルム : へえ…セリカはひとりひとり、違うものを贈るんだ。大変だね。
Celica : Oh, Alm, don't tell me you're giving everyone the same gift. Really, you must put more thought into this!セリカ : えっ!?アルムはみんなに同じものを贈ったの?
Alm : There are some truly bountiful grazing pastures near Ram Village.
I heard the meat raised there is the most delicious around, so I ordered us up a true feast!
Everyone's getting STEAK!
アルム : うん。ラムの村の近くに、放牧がさかんな村があるんだ。そこの肉がとっても美味しいんだよ。
Celica : Oh, I... I see... So we're all getting steak...セリカ : そ、そう…お肉…
Alm : Not just any steak! It's grass fed! The Knights of Zofia sang its praises! Well, Clair called it a brutish gesture…
But still, everyone— Uh, Celica? Is everything all right? You look upset.
アルム : うん! 騎士団のみんなは大喜びだったよ。まあ、クレアはデリカシーがどうとかって言ってたけど。
Celica : N-no, I'm fine. It's nothing! So, where's my bounty of... Of the finest meat this side of Ram Village?セリカ : 知らない!…それで? 私の分のお肉はどこ?
Alm : Oh, uh... You wanted some too? I can't say I expected that...アルム : えっ、セリカも肉がよかったのかい?困ったな…
Celica : What do you mean you didn't expect it? There's nothing for me?セリカ : 困ったって…私には、お肉じゃないの?
Alm : Well, no, I mean... I, um... There's… there's no MEAT for you… Close your eyes for a moment. OK, open them...
I hope you like it. I poured my heart into making it.
アルム : うん…えっと…目を閉じてくれる?…はい、いいよ。どうかな?がんばって作ってみたんだけど…
Celica : A wreath of flowers? Oh, Alm... It's just like the one I made for you so long ago.セリカ : これは…花冠?アルム…! あの時の、お花の冠ね?
Alm : I'm glad you remember. I was worried you might not.アルム : よかった。覚えててくれたんだね。
Celica : Of course I do. Thank you, Alm. This makes me so happy.セリカ : 忘れるわけないじゃない。アルム…ありがとう。とっても嬉しい…
Alm : Happier than a big, juicy steak?アルム : 肉よりも?
Celica : OK, enough meat.
Oh, but I haven't decided what to give you in return... I'm sorry, but I don't have a gift for you yet.
セリカ : もう! でもどうしよう。私、まだアルムに何を贈るか決めてなかったの。
Alm : Well, why not make me another wreath? I'll be happy to wear it...this time.アルム : じゃあ、同じものを僕にもおくれよ。今なら恥ずかしいから嫌だ!なんて言わないからさ。
Celica : Hehe... OK. But under one condition... We go to the flower patch together.セリカ : よかった。じゃあ、お花畑に連れて行って?
Alm : You got it, Celica. Let's go now!
Holding hands with you like this sure brings back memories. Deep down we haven't changed a bit, huh?
アルム : うん。じゃあ…ふふっ、こうして手を繋ぐと、あの頃と何も変わらないね、僕たち。
Celica : No, I suppose we haven't. I love you so, Alm. We'll be together now and forever.セリカ : ええ…アルム、大好きよ。あの頃も今も、これからもずっと…

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