무쌍하는 새벽빛 오르티나/대사


I am Altina. The goddess has guided me here, so I will face this challenge without reserve. We will have victory.私はオルティナ。これも女神のお導きであるならば全力で挑戦し、制してご覧に入れます!

In Arcadia, humans and dragons live in harmony despite their differences. There is much to be impressed by.ナバタの里――憎み合う人と竜が共に暮らす【理想郷】と聞きました。感じ入ることが大いにあります。
Tellius has its ancient desert ruins as well. It is evidence that all things fade in time, returning to dust...テリウスの砂漠にも、古き遺跡があります。すべて生あるものは風化し、塵に還ることのあらわれかもしれませんね……
This is the common style of Nabata... It would fit Soan and Dheginsea well. I hope to bring them here if I can.これがナバタの装束……ソーンやデギンハンザーにも似合うでしょう。次の機会には彼らも連れて来たいですね。
Do you need something from me? I was out in the Nabata heat and need to wash the sweat off me.
I will find you when I've finished.
How would the goddess see this world, I wonder... While I admit I cannot know, I myself am fond of it.女神がこの世界をどうお裁きになるのか、私にはわかりません。……私自身は、好ましいと感じます。

친구 방문

I come bearing well-wishes from [Friend]'s world.[フレンド]城の人々から感じる理想への情熱…ぜひお伝えしたいと参りました。

레벨 업

All who threaten the peace will be judged by the goddess!不可侵なる祭事にあだなすものはすべて神名の下に裁く!
Despite being festival dress, these clothes have a certain simple practicality. I rather like them.この装束……祭事向けながら、質朴とした用の美も感じます。私、気に入りました。
*sigh* No matter how I try, I cannot seem to rid myself of this layer of sand that's covering me.ふぅ…砂埃がまとわりついて…これ以上は払っても落ちませんね。城へ戻り、沐浴させていただきましょう。


I will shine the goddess's radiant light to the far reaches of this land, and with it bring justice! That is my duty.女神の威光をもって、世の果てまでも正しく照らす!それが我が使命なのです。

5성 40레벨 달성

I am the goddess's blades... I do not fear battle.
Beneath that, however, I am a beorc who wishes for peace.
War ravages the hearts and bodies of those it touches. I do not blame those who would rather run from it.
I wish all beings could see each other as equals and so avoid conflict festering between them...
The goddess herself may agree, in fact, which makes it a worthy discovery for me to have made.
I can feel the goddess's guiding hand as I come to this knowledge, and so I know it to be right and just.





오의 발동

Have at you!覚悟しなさい!
My turn.ここは私が…
End of the road.通しません
Give me your best!勝負です!




Thank you for inviting me here. I shall do my very best to serve you.ご招待ありがとうございます。精一杯務めます。
*yelp* Huh? My foot got stuck in the sand!きゃっ…!? ああ、砂に足を取られてしまいました。
It takes a lot of practice to wield two blades at once, but I put in the effort.二振りの武器で戦うことには慣れています。
In my world, the desert was widely feared. We called it the Desert of Death.私の世界の砂漠は、死の砂漠と呼ばれ恐れられていました。
This world has given us a wonderful opportunity to learn about other cultures.お互いの文化を知るのに、このような機会はとても有益です。
You said we can coexist, Lehran. I have to go on believing that.私たちは共存できる…そうでしょう? エルラン…
When I am with you, time always seems to pass so quickly.あなたと過ごす時間は、いつも楽しくてあっという間です。

아군 턴 터치

Lead the way.わかりました
In position.指示をください
I will enjoy this.楽しみましょう

캐릭터 페이지로