전장의 꽃 아멜리아/대사


Oh... Hello there! I'm a soldier in the service of Grado. I'm a hard worker! My name? Oh, right! It's Amelia.あ、あたしはグラド帝国の兵士、アメリアです。若輩者ですが、よろしくおねがいします!

I'm from a small village called Silva. It's in Grado. I thought I'd join up and fight for my country...
I just hope everybody back home is doing all right.
I want to believe in justice. I want to know I'm doing the right thing.あたしは…あたしの、自分の思う正義を信じたい…
If you're worn out, let me help. I am a soldier of sorts as well, you know.疲れてるなら、あたしが手伝うよ。これでも、ほらっ、一応兵士のはしくれだし…ねっ?
Hey! Can you hear that songbird? What a pretty voice it has! Let's get closer and listen...ねえねえ、あっちで小鳥が鳴いてるよ。すごくキレイな声だから、一緒に聴きにいかない?
I admire General Duessel...and I train every day in the hope that, someday, I can be a little bit like him.毎日訓練はしてるよ。憧れのデュッセル将軍に少しでも近づけたらって思ってるんだ。

친구 방문

Your pal told me to come here... [Friend], I mean!
I hope you two stay close, [Summoner].

레벨 업

I have a lot of potential, don't I?あたしでもこんなに強くなれるんだ…!
Day by day, I'm becoming a real soldier!あたしも、一人前の兵士っぽくなれたかな?
Maybe I don't have what it takes...やっぱりあたしには素質ないのかなぁ…


I'm getting stronger? This is so exciting!これって強くなれたってことだよね、嬉しい!

5성 40레벨 달성

Have I gotten stronger since I came here? Do you think I'm a soldier now, truly?
To me, a soldier is somebody who can protect the people they care about...
You see, when I was little...bandits raided our village. They took my mother.
And I couldn't do a thing for her. I just hid and watched, terrified. I...couldn't protect her.
That's why I have to become stronger. I need to be able to protect the people who matter to me.
Thanks for listening, [Summoner].
I hope you'll keep looking out for me. No matter what, I swear that I will protect those who I hold dear.





오의 발동

I'll do my best!が、がんばるぞ!
I'll protect everyone!守りたい!
I am NOT scared!こ、怖くなんか…
Hyaah..? YAH!え、えええっ!?


Did I...give it my all?がんばれた…かな…?


I have to get stronger, to protect the people I care about.強くなって、大切な人を守りたいの。
AAAGH! ...Don't do that! My heart skipped a beat!ひゃんっ!? もう…心臓止まりそうになったよ~。
This armor is SO heavy. I feel like I'm going to tip over.よ、鎧、重くて…倒れちゃいそう…
Take that! And that! Hyaah! Ah! Were you watching me the whole time?えいっ! それっ! たぁっ! ? …ど、どこ見てるの?
This is making me a little self-conscious.あはっ、なんだかちょっと…照れる…
Oh, Mother. If only... If only I had been stronger.お母さん…あたしが…もっと強かったら……うぅっ……
I want to become the shield that protects you.あたしは、あなたを守る盾になりたい…

아군 턴 터치

Allllll right!いち、に、いち、に
I'm ready...どきどきする…

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I'll crush you!潰しちゃうよ!
This is starting to feel natural!コツがつかめてきたの!
For peace.平和を目指して…
Right, left, chop!右、左、突き!

패배 - 신장

I was so close…もうちょっと…だったのに…

상태창 - 신장

Hey, it's me! Amelia! What do you think of my new outfit?アメリアだよ! 新しい衣装、どうかな?
Think twice before sneaking up on me!ひゃあぁっ!? そんなとこ触っちゃだめ!
This outfit suits me? It's nice of you to say so!すごく似合ってるって? あはっ、ちょっと…照れる…
Jötunheimr is the land of the jötnar, right? They're so big! Talk about impressive.ヨトゥンって巨人の国なんだね。おっきくってかっこいいなー
I wonder if I'll be as corageous as the jötnar some day...あたしも大人になったらダグ王女たちみたいに…こう…なれるかなっ?
I want to believe in a justice of my own making.あたしは、自分の思う正義を…信じたい!
I'm happy to have made a friend like you.あなたみたいな友達ができて、あたし、嬉しい。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I'm ready!はい!
I'll do my best.がんばる!

캐릭터 페이지로