비밀 많은 신부 안나/대사
I'm Anna, the premier purveyor of happiness! If there's business to be had, I'll be there! And if I just so happen to run into a special someone of my own along the way, that'll only sweeten the deal! | 私は幸せを運ぶ行商人、アンナ!商いあらば東へ西へ、地の果てまでも!そろそろ私も幸せになっちゃおうかなーっ? |
This may all just be for the festival, but that doesn't mean everything here is fake. So long as the wedding gifts keep coming, I'm happy to pour all my heart into this! | 仮とはいえ、婚礼の儀は婚礼の儀よ!出席者からご祝儀をもらう仕組みをつくればがっぽがっぽのウハウハ間違いなしよ~♪ |
You know, my sisters and I have never actually talked about marriage... Isn't that weird? You'd think a topic like that would come up at least once in a family so brimming with beauties! | そういえば、私には姉妹がいるんだけど結婚したって聞いたことないわね。私に似た美人ばかりのはずなのに、不思議! |
I booked a venue for the after-party! We still need to figure something out for the after-after-party, though... Might as well charge these lovebirds for their honeymoon send-off while I'm at it! | 二次会の会場は押さえてあるわ!いやいや、三次会まで考えておかなくちゃ…新婚旅行のお見送りプランも必要ね! |
The Voice of the Divine Dragon is here, and she's brought a friend! That means double the autographs! | 神竜の巫女様がいらしてるじゃない?それも2人セットで!?稼げるにおいがするわ~!! |
Oh, a bridal bouquet? I hear those are in pretty high demand right now, but I can get you one for half-price. | ああ、「花嫁のブーケ」?あれ原価でいい値段するらしいのよね。私ならもっと安く仕入れできるけど。 |
친구 방문
Business is booming, so I'm here to share the love! Send the thank-you gifts to [Friend]! | いま、私は幸せ真っ盛り![フレンド]のおかげで商売繁盛、あなたも繁盛ってね! |
레벨 업
I don't normally like standing out this much, but it's been great for drawing in new customers. Wanna see? Ahem... Feast your eyes on these gowns that'll have you feeling bold and adored on the big day! | 私が目立ってもしょうがないんだけど広告塔ってやつよね~ご覧あれ、愛と勇気のウェディングドレス! |
Here's the deal: if you can avoid boring me to tears, I'll let you partner up with me for the next big event! | 私を飽きさせずにエスコートできたら、カップルイベントのパートナーとして組んであげてもいいわよ! |
Oof, that really could have gone better. Guess Lady Luck isn't on your side today, huh? | んもう、つれないわねえ…きっと[召喚師]が女神に嫉妬されてしまったんだわ。 |
Are you sure you're not mistaking me for one of my sisters? Well, either way, I'll gladly accept this gift! | だいじょうぶ?アンナ違いしてない?じゃあ遠慮なくもらっておくわね! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh, bridal festival, my beloved... These fancy dresses and suits are practically flying off the shelves. Immensely expensive garments are in season, and just in time to balloon my margins to new heights! They say money talks, and that's never been truer. Tying the knot is nice and all, but it's so expensive! Oh, don't get me wrong—I'm not trying to squash anyone's dreams of the perfect big day. Even I've thought about finding someone and building that kind of loving relationship, you know. But that's enough of that talk. This is a festival, right? We should be going out and having some fun! ...What, nervous? Me? Fine, fine. Even I can act like a blushing maiden when faced with a promising prospect. Anyway, um... I feel like taking a walk, but I want you to lead. Here, take my arm... There! The rest is up to you. And before you ask, I have absolutely no ulterior motive. We're just enjoying a casual stroll together, OK?! | いや~花嫁祭りさまさま!上質なドレスやスーツが飛ぶように売れる!商売繁盛、大繁盛! 結局はお金、財力がものを言うのよね!恋愛はともかく、結婚となるとねえ。少年少女の夢を奪う気はないけど~ でも、私だって誰かと恋をして……すこやかな愛を育めたらいいなって思うこともあるわよ、ほんのちょっぴり! そんな真剣な顔されても困るけど。ま、これはイベントだから。みんな楽しんだらいいんじゃない…… そんなに早口で緊張しているのかって!?……私だっていいかなって思う人の前では胸ときめかせる乙女になることもあるわよ? だから、ほら……はい!腕を組んで、歩いてくれればいいわ。いまは…誰かについていきたい気分なの。 べっつに!何も企んでいないわよ!?オチもないわよ、ほんと! |
- | やっ! |
- | 決めるわ |
- | きゃあっ! |
My dress! | ドレスが! |
오의 발동
Bring a better gift next time! | ご祝儀はずんでよ? |
Dual income, here I come! | 稼ぎは二倍ね! |
I'll pierce your heart! | 射止めちゃうわよ! |
For richer or for richer... | 幸せになりましょ! |
You're no fun... | つれないわねえ… |
- | うふっ |
Hm? Come on, I can devote myself to things other than money! | なによ、なんかおかしい? 意外と尽くすタイプなんだから! |
Hey, no laughing! It's normal to get nervous before a big payday! | きゃあっ!? 笑わないで、私だって緊張くらいするわよ。 |
This dress is kind of uncomfortable, but it's worth wearing just for the gifts! | ドレスは窮屈だけど、ご祝儀もらえるなら悪くないわね。 |
You know, I wonder if any of my sisters have gotten married... | 私にはたくさん姉妹がいるんだけど、そういえば誰か結婚してるのかしら? |
I'm not the type to sit back and be taken care of. After all, two sources of income are better than one! | 養ってもらうのは性に合わないわ。二人で二倍稼ぐわよ! |
I'm about to start planning a ceremony of my own... Just think of all the wedding gifts. Mm. | 出席者からがっぽりご祝儀もらえるような式を今から考えておかなきゃ… |
I'm glad you got to see me dressed up like this before the festival ended. Not bad, huh? | この姿をあなたに見てもらえてうれしいわ。なかなかでしょ? |
아군 턴 터치
You got it! | いいわよ |
Ready yet? | まだ~? |
Hand in hand. | エスコートしてよ |