호국의 천마기사 마냐/대사


I am Annand, a knight of Silesse. On the honor of the Four Heavenly Knights, I vow to defend you.シレジアの騎士、マーニャと申します。四天馬騎士の誇りに懸けて、御身をお守りするとお約束しましょう。

The flowers are in full bloom...like a beautiful dream. And such a lovely fragrance too.こんなにも花が咲いて…私、夢でも見ているのでしょうか。とてもよい香りがするのですね…
I hope Prince Lewyn is doing all right. Erinys was to retrieve him, but there is still much she has to learn...レヴィン様はご無事でいらっしゃるかしら。フュリーがお迎えに向かったはずだけどあの子は世間知らずなところがあるから…
Ah. One moment, please...
There we are. I wanted to finish mending this tunic first. Now, you have my full attention.
Hm? Prince Lewyn? Ah... No, pay me no mind.……レヴィン様?あっ、いえ、何でもありません。お気になさらず。
I may have a certain inflexibility, but as a knight, one must be stalwart to carry out their duties properly.融通がきかないのは、昔からの性分です。強くあらねば、騎士は務まりませんので。

친구 방문

I am one of the Four Heavenly Knights of Silesse, Annand. I bring a gift from [Friend].シレジア四天馬騎士、マーニャと申します。[フレンド]様より書状をお届けに参りました。

레벨 업

No matter the time or place, as a knight of Silesse, I must fight in a fashion worthy of that title.どのような時と場所でも……シレジアの騎士として恥ずかしくない戦いをしましょう。
Do not fret. Leave the skies to me.ご安心ください。この一帯の空は、私が抑えます。
Even as one of the Four Heavenly Knights, I must not allow this to lower my spirits.しかし、私とてシレジアの四天馬騎士。この程度のことで落ち込んだりなどいたしません。


With my blade and this new power, I will be an extension of your will. Permit me to show you.この剣と、新たな力であなたの志をお支えします。どうかご指示を。

5성 40레벨 달성

Do you know much of my homeland, Silesse, [Summoner]?
It is surrounded by treacherous mountains, a land of snow and ice.
There is hardly any land suitable for growing crops, so our country faces a harsh reality.
But even under those conditions, we have our queen, Lahna, who reminds us there is more than the cold dark.
She is a kind and gentle soul, ever concerned with her people... I would give everything to protect her.
Your fight here is also for the sake of the people. I sense no lust for war or conquest with the Order.
So, I will happily join you, and we can bring this fight to its rightful conclusion together.




Not yet...!まだよ…!

오의 발동

As Fate wills...これも運命なら…
I must act.仕方ありません
As a knight of Silesse!シレジアの騎士として!


Erinys... Lewyn...ああフュリー…レヴィン様…


I am a knight of Silesse, and my name is Annand.私はシレジアの騎士、マーニャと申します。
Oh, Lord Lewyn—? Ah, you are not Lord Lewyn. Apologies.きゃあっ! レヴィン様…?あ、あら、失礼しました。
I am one of the Four Heavenly Knights of Silesse. I will fight honorably.私はシレジア四天馬騎士の一人。決して無様な戦いはしません。
My lady, Lahna, is the picture of virtue and compassion. It is an honor to serve her.ラーナ様はとても慈悲深いお方。お仕えできることを光栄に思っています。
I cannot be other than I am.私はこういう生き方しかできないのです…
Lord Lewyn...I wish you well.レヴィン様…私は…
Together, you and I will fight without restraint or regret.あなたと共に戦います。恥ずかしくない戦いをしましょう。

아군 턴 터치

Leave it to me.お任せを
A hard choice.迷いますね
Let us fly.出撃せよ!

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