노력가의 겨울축제 아네트/대사


You can expect good things with Annette Fantine Dominic lending a hand! Count on me to help!アネット=ファンティーヌ=ドミニク冬祭りをお手伝いします。今日は、期待しててくださいね!

♪Steak and a cake for a festival meal that's yummy yum... It's time to celebrate and fill my tummy tum...♪今日のご飯は~、煮込んだお肉~♪食後にお菓子も、どこどこど~ん♪冬祭りはごちそうがいっぱいだよ!
I get the feeling there's a lot of history and lore behind the winter festival. I need to dig in and learn it all!アスク王国の冬祭り…きっと歴史あるお祭りなんですよね。ちゃんと勉強しておかないと!
I'm happiest when I'm digging into a sweet treat! I can't wait to savor the frosting on that winter festival cake!あたし、甘いお菓子を食べているときが一番幸せで…。冬祭りのケーキ、とっても楽しみです!
Winter mornings are definitely frigid, but at least they wake you up! We could take a little stroll to stay warm!冬の朝は寒いけどそのぶん気持ちが引き締まりますね!一緒にお散歩でもどうですか?
Let's see... To scale the chimney, we need a ladder that's long enough to reach when leaned at an angle, so...
I'll crunch the numbers!

친구 방문

I'm Annette, a visitor from [Friend]'s castle.
I brought you a gift just to say happy winter festival!

레벨 업

I'll do all I can to help make the winter festival an absolute success!冬祭りを成功させるために思いっきり、やってみます!
I'm going to have to be extra sweet to outshine this cute outfit!可愛い衣装に負けないようにあたしも頑張らなきゃ! えへへっ。
Don't tell anyone, but I might have blown up an iron pan trying to make a winter festival Sweet Bun Trio...言えない…冬祭りのブルゼンを作ってお鍋を爆発させたなんて…。


You'll see! I'll make the winter festival even more lively!もっともっとお祭りを盛り上げてみせますね!

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm back! All of the winter festival gifts are in the hands of their lucky recipients, [Summoner].
This festival has taught me so much about all sorts of things. I've been enjoying myself the entire time!
I absolutely love learning, of all kinds. That's why I'm constantly reading up on the latest and greatest.
Now, exploring Askr and making new friends has opened up a whole new world of knowledge to explore!
It's been eye-opening to experience the new things here in Askr that are different than at home in Fodlan!
I'll be sure to put everything I've learned at the festival to good use. You can count on it!
今回のお祭りで学んだことはこれからに活かしてみせますね。期待してください! えへへっ。





오의 발동

I bring joy!祝福だよ
Let's have some fun!楽しいね
Sing with me!歌いたくなっちゃう!
Here, a gift!はい、贈り物!


Party's over...まだ…楽しみたいのに…


Boom! It's done!どかんと一発!
I'll give this festival my very best. You can count on me!冬祭りの使者、がんばります! 任せてください。
Ooh, got any more gifts to give out? I'm all done with mine.贈り物、もう配り終わっちゃいました。もっとないですか?
I don't know which I'm more excited for—the presents, or the feast!この後はご馳走食べて、贈り物交換して…ああ楽しみ!
The only way to improve on tonight...would be to have my whole family here.こんな聖夜を家族みんなで過ごせたらいいのにな…
Oh, I almost forgot—I have something for you! Here, take it!あの、これ、私が選んだ贈り物です! よかったらどうぞ!

아군 턴 터치

Ready to go!わかりました!
What a dilemma...悩むなあ…
I'm off!いってきま~す

캐릭터 페이지로