단단하다, 강하다, 느리다 아단/대사


My name is Arden! I'm one of Lord Sigurd of Chalphy's men. Good to meet you!俺はアーダン。シアルフィ公子シグルド様にお仕えしてるんだ。よろしくな!

This castle's nice and solid. They put me in charge of defending our castle, so you can trust me—I know castles!なかなか堅牢で良い城だな。俺はよく城の守りを任されてきたからな、城のことには詳しいんだ。
Things in my world... Not so good right now. I just stick with Lord Sigurd. I'll serve him up until the very end.元の世界ではいろいろあったが…俺はただシグルド様にお仕えするだけだ。最後の時までな。
I just want to get married, have kids, and work hard for my family. Someday...はあ…いつかは俺も結婚して、子供もできたりして、家族のためにがんばりたいぜ。
You wanna try on my armor? That's funny. You wouldn't even be able to stand up!この鎧を着てみたいって…?やめとけ、やめとけ。絶対に倒れちまうぞ。
If you need protection, I'm your man.
But do me a favor and call as soon as you can, OK? It's going to take me a while to get there.

친구 방문

Arden here! I guess you must be [Summoner].
I got a message for ya from your pal [Friend].

레벨 업

I'm strong, I'm tough...and I ain't slow!固い、強い、速いぜ!
Feels like my armor got a little bit lighter!なんだか鎧が少し軽くなったみたいだぜ…!
There's a huge weight on my shoulders. I can feel it.ううっ…心なしか、身体が重いぜ…


I better look after myself, with you expecting so much from me!こんなに期待されたんじゃ、まだしばらく死ぬわけにはいかんな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Why is everybody always leaving me behind? I swear...
No, I get it. My armor's heavy. It makes me slow, and I can't keep up with 'em.
The thing is, that's my job! I'm an armored knight. Take away this thick armor, and I couldn't protect anybody!
There's no way I'm gonna stop doing my job, so I've made myself square with it.
Listen to me grumble! I guess you just did, now that I mention it. Hey, I feel a lot better now. Thanks!




This ain't good...こいつはまいるぜ…

오의 발동

I'm strong, and you're toast.俺って強いぜ!
I'm strong and I'm tough!固い、強い!
Ain't no way I'm gonna die!死んでたまるか!


I lived like I wanted...悔いのない…一生だった…


Hey! Don't forget to put me on the front line!たまには俺も出陣させてくれよ?
Huh? You want to try on my armor? You pulling my leg?ん? なんだなんだ? この鎧を着てみたいのか?
Strong and tough is good. I like that. But I'm beggin' ya... Don't call me slow.固い、強い、ってのはいいけど遅いってのは気にいらねえな。
Phew! So damn tired. This is some heavy armor.ふぅっ、疲れたぜ。この鎧は重くてたまらん。
If I was a little bit quicker, I might have more luck with the ladies.俺がもう少し素早ければ、彼女ができるかもしれんのになぁ…
It's a cryin' shame. I'm strong and I'm tough, but...…ああ、さびしい…俺はこんなに固くて強いのに…
I like fighting with you! I do a lot better than I normally would.こんな俺でも、お前と一緒ならがんばれるぜ!

아군 턴 터치

I'm beat!いやあ、疲れたな!
My turn?出番が来たか!?
Full power!全力で走るぜ!

캐릭터 페이지로