미애의 노랫소리 셴메이/대사


I am Arete. I will serve you to the best of my ability—so long as you promise safety for both me and my daughter.私はシェンメイ。私と娘を守ってくださるなら、二心なくあなたに仕えましょう…

Now and again, I feel a strange ache in my head...as if my mind is crying out for memories it has lost...時折、頭に奇妙な痛みを覚えます…昔の記憶が…どこか、欠けているような…
Azura? Of course, of course. Azura... She...she is my daughter... My, er... My daughter?アクア…?アクアは…そう、私の娘…私は…?
I have been told my song can melt away one's stress. Should you ever feel overburdened, call on me.私の歌声は癒されるとよく言われるのです。お疲れでしたら、いつでも歌って差し上げましょう。
I wouldn't speak of my past even if I could. There are too many painful memories I prefer to keep buried.過去はお話しできません。私もしたいとは思わない…辛いことが多すぎました。
♪You are the ocean's...♪ Oh, pay me no mind. I feel compelled to fill the silence with song.~~~♪あ…すみません。気分が良いと、つい鼻歌を…

친구 방문

I was sent to sing to you, courtesy of [Friend]. May I?[フレンド]様があなたに私の歌をお聞かせしたいと…よろしいでしょうか?

레벨 업

Strength is the only way to ensure your survival.死にたくなければ、強くなる他ありません。
It seems I still have room to improve.まだ私にも伸ばせる力があったのですね。
Forgive me... Such poor performance ought to be beneath me.すみません…不甲斐ない様をお見せしました…


With this, I will prove your faith in me is not misplaced.あなたの信頼に必ずお応えしてみせます。

5성 40레벨 달성

When I look at you, I am struck by the impression that you and Azura are quite a bit alike...
Though she and I are related by blood, I've always felt that she has a certain strength I seem to lack.
I worry such strength may draw unwanted attention to her and keep her from a normal life...
As summoner, you must surely realize what sway fate holds over us all...
I wish not to discourage you from breaking the chains of fate. On the contrary, in fact...
I will do everything in my power to ensure you can both live your lives as you choose to.





오의 발동

Forgive this.ごめんなさいね
Be a dear and die.死んでいただきましょう




I am Arete, queen of Nohr and wife of King Garon.私はシェンメイ。暗夜王国の王ガロンの妃です。
Ah! Aren't you a bit old for such games?きゃっ…。まあ、子供のようなお戯れを…
As King Garon's second wife, I am forever in the shadow of his first...ガロン王には多くの妾がいますから、私たちは疎まれているのです。
My only wish is for Azura to grow up healthy, and strong.アクアが健やかに育ってくれれば、それ以上望むことはありません。
If you wish to know where I am from, I do apologize; I must avoid the subject.私の故郷ですか? それはお話しすることができないのです…
Azura... I hope you know that I love you...愛してます…アクア…
If you can make use of my abilities, I will gladly lend them to your cause.私の力があなたのお役に立てるのなら、喜んで。

아군 턴 터치

Just so.ええ
And you're sure?そうですか?
Shall we, then?行きましょう

캐릭터 페이지로