카다인의 마도사 엘렌/대사


I am Arlen. Pontifex Wendell has entrusted me with maintaining Khadein's independence.俺はエルレーン。ウェンデル最高司祭の命を受けて魔道都市カダインの自由を守る者だ。

Excalibur was rightfully mine, and yet Master Wendell gave it to that whelp Merric instead. Utter foolishness!エクスカリバーは俺が手にするべきだった。それなのに、ウェンデル先生はどうして未熟者のマリクに……くそっ!
Until Master Wendell returns from his business with the White Sage, it is up to me to ensure Khadein's safety.
Hmph. I suppose Merric bears some responsibility as well...
You wish to socialize with me? I'll allow it. Until I unravel the mystery of your power...貴様の機嫌など知ったことではない。だが、友好関係は保っておきたい。その術の秘密を知るまではな。
Why should we assist Altea, traitors to the Archanean Empire who invade their very neighbors?アカネイア帝国にそむき侵略をくわだてたアリティアなどを、なぜ我らが助けねばならん。
If I could use that summoning power of yours for my own purposes, none would dare stand against me.異界の英雄を呼ぶ召喚師か。味方にできれば、この上ない戦力となるだろう。

친구 방문

You. Yes, you. Tell me all you know about how Heroes are summoned by our ally, [Friend].[召喚師]とは貴様か。召喚師[フレンド]の術の秘密を知っているか?

레벨 업

One such as Merric could never hope to surpass me. Any who side with him will experience my wrath!俺はマリクなどには負けぬ。ヤツに味方する者は、全て俺の敵だ!
Why? Why did he choose Merric over me? It must be because that wretch is Altean nobility...なぜだ……なぜマリクなんだ!ヤツがアリティアの貴族だからか。
Khadein has sworn fealty to Emperor Hardin. Do not forget that.我らカダイン魔道軍はハーディン皇帝に忠誠をちかっているのだぞ。


Hmph. Perhaps compassion for others is worth more than just a passing thought...人を思いやる心…………先生……私は……

5성 40레벨 달성

Merric has always been second to me. I was Master Wendell's pupil before him.
And there has never been a single moment when that oaf's magic has rivaled mine. So why...
Why did our master bequeath the tome Excalibur to him when it was rightfully mine?
You cannot imagine the agony I felt upon hearing this absurd decision.
The one who inherits Excalibur will succeed Master Wendell. Who could suit that position better than me?
And now, Merric has led Altea's forces right to Khadein's doorstep, jeopardizing our independence.
Has the fool forgotten that we allied with Archanea?
His reckless crusade must be halted before it causes further damage.
Then, Master Wendell's eyes will be opened to the truth: that only I am fit to take his place!





오의 발동

Let us settle this.決着をつける!
Face me!さあ、勝負しろ!
I will surpass Merric!マリクなんぞに…
You are my foe!俺の敵だ!


Master Wendell...ウェンデル先生…


I am Arlen. I study magic in Khadein.俺はエルレーン。カダインで魔道を学んでいる。
*startle* What do you think you're doing? The nerve...!? 何をする! 馴れ馴れしい…
How could Master Wendell give Excalibur to Merric instead of me?ウェンデル先生は俺にくれるはずのエクスカリバーをマリクに…
You will find that I am quite different from the simpletons around here.まわりの馬鹿どもと俺は違うのだからな。
Merric? Don't be foolish. How could I ever consider someone like him a friend?馬鹿をいうな。マリクのことなど俺は…!
I have always been alone...俺はずっと一人だった。
So you're the summoner. Hmph. I expected you to look more impressive, somehow.貴様が召喚師か。ふん、聞いていたほどの者には見えないがな。

아군 턴 터치

Give your orders.指示しろ
This one's mine.行ってやる

캐릭터 페이지로