분노의 마도전사 아서/대사


I am Arthur. My mother was a mage. Though my magic might not be as strong, I will do my best to help you.俺はアーサー。母は魔法戦士で、俺も魔法が使える。およばずながら、力になろう。

Reptor, Bloom, Hilda... I can't forgive the things they've done, but the people of Friege are innocent.レプトールにブルーム、ヒルダ……奴らは許せない。だが、フリージ公国の民に罪はない…
House Friege took my sister and mother... I've hated them ever since. I intend to destroy them myself.妹や母さんを奪ったフリージ家……俺は奴らをうらみ続けてきた。自分の手で叩きつぶしてやる。
A commander must realize that there is a time for perseverance and a time for rest if they want to stay sharp.他人のことは言えないけど、根を詰めすぎるとよくない。指揮官は頭を休めておかないと。
I suppose that someday, someone from Bloom's bloodline may hate me as much as I hate them now.自分がそうであるように、いつかブルームの血筋から俺もまた、うらまれるのだろうな……
I keep this pendant to remind me of my mother.このペンダントは母の形見だ。

친구 방문

Here, this is for you. It's from [Friend].[召喚師]か?これを。[フレンド]からだ。

레벨 업

Bloom! Hilda! I will make you pay for the things you've done!ブルームめ!ヒルダめ!俺はあいつらを絶対に許さん!
Would you mind... Oh, just stay out of my way!私の……俺の邪魔をするな!
Phew... I pushed it a little too hard.ふっ…力みすぎだな。


I must be strong if I'm going to avenge my mother's death and protect my sister.俺は強くならなければいけない。母の無念を晴らし、妹を守るために。

5성 40레벨 달성

My mother was a mage in the liberation army. After one terrible battle, she fled with me to Silesse.
That's where we were when she and my newborn baby sister were taken. All I was left with was this pendant.
I was surprised to learn that King Bloom of Ulster took my mother and sister, and a little relieved too.
My mother was of his House Friege, after all. But then I heard that she passed away. Damn that witch Hilda!
Ah, I'm...OK. I'm calm. I just get so angry when I think of it. Thank you for listening.





오의 발동

I've got something to show you!これを見ろ!
As if I would lose!負けるものか!
I won't allow it!させない!
She will be safe!守ってやる!


Did I... really lose...ふっ…バカな話だ……


I'm Arthur. I traveled here from Silesse.おれはアーサー。シレジアから来たんだ。
Ah! Never surprise me like that. I might have hurt you.うわっ! なんだ、驚かせるなよ。
My mother and sister were taken from me when I was very young. I had to build a life on my own.おれは小さいときに母と妹を奪われて、一人ぼっちで暮らしてきた。
Is Fee here too? She's a good person, and her energy is infectious.フィーはここにいないのか? 元気でいいヤツだぜ。
My mother was a mage too. She served in the liberation army.おれの母は、解放軍の魔法戦士だったんだ。
Hilda, the woman that drove my mother to her death... I will destroy her with my own hands.母さんを死に追いやったヒルダ…おれの手で叩きつぶしてやる。
Working with you is always interesting. It would please me to stay and help you for a while.面白そうだから、きみをしばらく手伝うよ。

아군 턴 터치

Need me again?いいな
I suppose.ふーん…
Leave it to me.まかせろ

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