백은의 수도사 아스레이/대사


I am Artur, a monk from Renais. The gods have guided me to lend my aid to these wintertime festivities.ルネス王国の修道士、アスレイです。神の導きにより、この冬祭りに参加させていただきます。

Ah, so Lute is also an envoy in the winter festival? I'm sure her superior intellect will be a blessing.ルーテさんも冬祭りの使者でしたか。彼女はとても優秀なので立派に務めを果たしてくれるでしょう。
Being of service fills me with joy, whether I am defeating monsters or serving as winter envoy.魔物退治も冬祭りの使者も人々への奉仕に変わりありません。喜んで務めさせていただきます。
On the eve of the winter festival, I plan on praying longer and deeper than any other night of the year.今夜は聖夜ですね。私もいつもより長く神に祈りを捧げましょう。
Isn't it beautiful? The snow in Askr glimmers like pure silver. I will treasure this memory for a lifetime.雪に覆われたアスク王国…まるで白銀のように輝いています。この光景を目にすることができて幸せです。
Oh! I have gifts for Sir Cormag and Genarog. I only hope that Genarog likes them—wyverns are quite picky.そうだ、クーガーさんの飛竜ゲネルーガさんにも贈り物があるのです。あとで届けに行きましょう。

친구 방문

I am Artur, a humble monk. I have come to share wintertime blessings on [Friend]'s behalf.修道士のアスレイと申します。[フレンド]さんより冬祭りの祝いの品を届けにあがりました。

레벨 업

A hearth may warm your body, but only a smile can warm your heart.人々の笑顔は、どんな暖炉よりも心を温かくしてくれますね。
Everyone has the right to pursue what makes them happy. I believe the gods wish it so.すべての人に幸せになる資格がある…神はそうおっしゃっています。
Why does my sack of gifts feel lighter than before? Oh dear, oh dear! The seam has split completely!ああっ! 贈り物を入れていた袋に穴が空いていました…!


I will prove your faith in me is deserved. I swear this to the gods!あなたの信頼に応えることを神に誓いましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Brr, it sure is chilly outside today. Have you been able to keep warm, [Summoner]?
I find that the grateful smiles of the locals somehow soften the biting sting of the cold.
I'm constantly amazed by how the people of Askr face one hardship after another, and yet...
They find time to come together in joyous celebration. That optimism is more important than it may seem.
I hope that this festival lives on in the people's hearts, even after we have restored peace.
That would make all of these battles worth the fight, and I will be happy to have played my humble part.


It's the winter festival.冬祭りです


The gifts...贈り物が…

오의 발동

Blessed night!聖夜を祝いましょう
I've put my heart into this.心をこめて…
Just for you.お好きな贈り物を
It's snowing.雪が降ってきました


I still have gifts to give...まだ…贈り物が…


I'm here as a representative of the winter festival. I hope I'm doing a good job.今日は冬祭りの使者として参りました。似合いますか?
*surprised noise* A spider! ...Oh, it's just an ornament. Good.わあぁっ、クモ…!? な、何だ。贈り物のおもちゃですか…
I have all kinds of gifts in this bag—something for everyone!この袋の中には、色々な贈り物が入っています。
The best part of the holidays is waking up to find something nice waiting for you!目覚めたら枕元に贈り物があるなんて、胸が躍りますね。
*sneeze* It really is cold out, huh?はっくしゅん! はあ、さすがに寒いですね。
What should I get Lute? She'd love a bug or a monster, but, uh…ルーテさんには何を贈れば…? 虫や魔物という訳にはいきませんし…
I got you a little something. I hope you like it!贈り物、お気に召すといいんですが…はい、どうぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Illuminate my path.あれ? 道が…
Let's get going.急ぎましょう

캐릭터 페이지로