바람에 인도된 소년 아스벨/대사


I am Asbel, of the Magi. I will do my utmost to put the magic Lord Ced taught me to use on your behalf.ぼくはアスベル、マギ団の一員です。セティ様から学んだこの魔法の力であなたの役に立てるよう、頑張ります。

During my search for Lord Leif, I happened upon Lord Ced. I was lucky enough to learn wind magic from him.リーフ様を探していた旅の途中で、ぼくはセティ様に出会いました。そして、風の魔法を教えてもらったんです。
In Hrest, Lord Leif and I swore an oath. Though it might mean our deaths, we would take back Thracia.フレストにリーフ様がいらっしゃった時、ぼくたちは誓い合ったんです。トラキアを取り戻すまで、生死は共に、と。
Agh! Sorry...I was completely absorbed in this tome. Are you hurt? Did you need something?うわっ、ごめんなさい!魔法の練習に夢中になってて…お怪我はありませんか?
I have heard that many esteemed magic users are gathered here. Would you introduce me to them?ここには、高名な魔道士が多く滞在していると聞きました。紹介していただけないでしょうか。
I've been borrowing lots of books... I must study hard to be of use off the battlefield as well as on.本を借りてきました。戦闘以外にも、いろいろと役に立てるようここでしっかり学んでおきたいんです。

친구 방문

So you're [Summoner]... I hear you're a stalwart friend.あなたが[召喚師]さん…[フレンド]さんのとても大切な友人だと…

레벨 업

I see... This is the true power of the magic Lord Ced taught me!そうか、これが…セティ様のおっしゃっていた、魔法の本当の力なんだ!
I may be inexperienced, but... I will show that this magic has its purpose!まだ未熟だけれど、この魔法、きっと使いこなしてみせる…!
Is it true? Am I too weak to help?ぼくは、何の役にも立てないのかな…


If you believe I may be of some use, then I'll make every effort to prove you right!あなたの力になれるなら、どんな苦労もいといません!

5성 40레벨 달성

I've improved at using magic, and it's all because of you. I can't thank you enough!
I've come to realize, though, that fighting can't be my only job on the battlefield.
You don't fight, but are so talented at leading others. You draw out their potential and help them thrive.
With skills like those, I could help Lord Leif and Lord Ced on the path toward peace...
So, it's decided. I will become your student!
Until I master these skills, I swear that I won't leave your side. Er, if that's all right by you, of course!





오의 발동

For Thracia!トラキアのために…
We WILL take it back!取り戻します!
Life or death!生死は共に!
I'll make it back.きっとマンスターで!




We finally meet! I am Asbel.やっと会えた! 僕です、アスベルです!
*yelp* *sigh* I'm no fan of childish games.わあっ! もう…子供みたいな遊びは好きじゃありません。
To me, Leif is someone with great significance...リーフ様は僕にとって、とても大切な方なんです。
I made a promise...a promise that we would work together to take back Thracia.約束したんです。僕たちで力を合わせてトラキアを取り戻そうって。
Do you mean to imply that that promise was nothing more than the fancy of a child?あの誓いは、子供同士のお遊びだったのですか!?
Ced, we'll meet again someday. Won't we...?セティ様、また会えますよね…?
Let me be of help to you! No matter the hardship, I'm ready.あなたのお役に立てるのなら、僕はどんな苦労もいといません!

아군 턴 터치

What to do...どうしましょう…
I'll break through!突破します!

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