신들의 신춘 아스크/대사


Happy New Year! I look forward to all the new faces we will meet in the new year! Don't you agree, Embla?謹賀新年だ! 今年も多くの出会いに期待しようじゃないか!ほら、エンブラも笑って笑って!

Askr : Ringing in the new year with Heroes of all sorts in attendance is a fitting celebration for the Kingdom of Askr!アスク : さまざまな異界の英雄が集って新年の到来を祝う…開かれし王国ならではの景色だね。
Askr : Embla, there was once a time that you, too, enjoyed celebrating the new year with mortals. I've not forgotten!アスク : エンブラも昔は人々と共に新しい年を喜んでいたじゃないか。私はちゃんと憶えているよ。
Askr : Look, Embla... They play a game in which the victor may draw on the face of their opponent!
Which of the many worlds did that one tradition come from, I wonder...
アスク : エンブラ、見てごらん。負けた者の顔にスミを塗る遊びだ。どの異界の風習だろうね?
Embla : Mortals... Ever the self-centered creatures, abandoning what they leave behind without a thought...
Why celebrate what is to come? It will surely fall by the wayside soon enough.
エンブラ : 人間たちは…身勝手だ。いつも私を置いていく…新しい年など…こなくていい…
Embla : Given even the slightest opportunity, Askr cannot help but succumb to his desire to speak to me... It never ends.エンブラ : アスクめ…隙あらば私に話しかけてくる…ええい、うっとうしい…

친구 방문

Happy New Year's! May your bond with [Friend] flourish!あけましておめでとう![フレンド]と[召喚師]の絆に祝福を!

레벨 업

Embla : I will mark this new year upon the face of whoever is foolish enough to face me! Hm-hm-hmh-ha-hah...エンブラ : 愚かな敗北者の顔には落書きしてやる…それが正月…でふ…でふふふ…
Askr : Good fortune comes to those who enter the new year with a smile! So...will you join me, Embla?アスク : 笑う門には福来たると言うしね。さあ、エンブラも笑ってごらん?
Embla : This...this is the true nature of the coming year...エンブラ : それ見たことかぁ…新年早々この有り様だ…


Embla : Wh-what is your aim here? Do you think some meager tribute would be enough to change my heart?エンブラ : な、なにが目的だ…その程度の貢ぎ物で私の心は揺るがぬぞぉ…

5성 40레벨 달성

Askr : It seems that making a New Year's resolution is a way to determine a path for the coming year...
What do you intend to make of your year, Embla?
Embla : What does it matter? My mind is filled with thoughts of the inevitability of mortals perishing as I look on...
Askr : Ah! So you plan to use this coming year to watch over them? I always knew you were gentle at heart!
Embla : No, you misunderstand... I would never put forth such effort for the sake of mortals...
I wish only to be closed away—away from interaction with everyone and everything. And yet, with you...
Being in your presence makes me feel as if I am losing my mind...
Askr : I do wish that you have a wonderful year, Embla. Truly, from the bottom of my heart.
アスク : 新年に決意表明をすることで一年の行く先が決まるそうだよ。エンブラはどう過ごすつもりだい?
エンブラ : 興味ない…あの人間どもがこれからどう死ぬか、せいぜい見届けて…
アスク : 見守っていくつもりなんだね。エンブラはやっぱり優しいな。
エンブラ : ち、違う…!誰が好きこのんで人間たちのことなど…
アスク : エンブラにとって、いい一年になることを祈っているよ。心からね!





오의 발동

Duo : Happy New Year!二人 : 謹賀新年!
Duo : A new year... Closes in.二人 : いくよ うぅ…
Askr : Felicitations!アスク : いい年にしよう
Embla : I care not.エンブラ : どうでもいぃわぁ…


Alas and alack...幸先…悪いなあ…


"There's the Embla I know!" "Stop talking."「昔の君みたいだ」「はぁ? 何を言って…」

아군 턴 터치

My pleasure.楽しみだね
Ugh, how miserable...うとましいぃ…

공격시 후위 서포트

Do not ruin this.しくじるでないぞぉ…

비익/쌍계 스킬

"Happy..." "New Year."「明けまして」「おめ…でとうぅ…」
"Vile!" "Easy, now..."「おのれぇ…」「だめだよ」

비익/쌍계 대화

Embla : Hm-hm-hmh-ha-hah...エンブラ : でふ…でふふふふ……
Askr : Enjoying yourself, are we, Embla? Care to let me in on the joke?アスク : エンブラ、楽しそうだね。何が面白いんだい?
Embla : These mortal fools...so peculiar...エンブラ : 愚かな人間たちを笑っておるのだ…。ああおかしいぃ…
With their short lives, every new year is one step closer to death.新年なぞ…短い時しか生きられぬあやつらにとっては死に近づくも同然…
Yet still they celebrate each year all the same! How can you not laugh at them?それをめでたいと浮かれる…これが笑わずにいられようか…
Askr : They are making the most of what time they do have by celebrating!アスク : エンブラ…。彼らは限られた時を精一杯生きている。
Their celebration is beautiful! Though, I understand it must leave you feeling lonely...だからこそ美しく愛おしいと私は思うよ。でもきっと君は…寂しいんだ。
Embla : It does no such thing.エンブラ : はぁ…? 何を言って…
Askr : I know you, Embla. I know you have always loved the mortals. You cherish them, yearn to keep them close...アスク : わかるよ。君は私より人間たちを慈しんでいたからね。
Because their lives are short, you fear a future where they step out of your reach.人間たちが短い生を終えて、会えなくなるのが寂しいんだろう?
Embla : Ridiculous! I would never.エンブラ : 馬鹿をいうな。そんなことは思っていない…!
Do not pretend to know me better than I know myself.お前はいつもそうだ…勝手に私の心を分かったようなことをいう…!
Askr : I would not go so far as to say I do. I simply know the part of your heart you've closed off and hidden away.アスク : それは違う。君が自分の心をわかっていないだけだよ。
Be it this year, next year, or some year far in the future, I will reach that part of you again someday.今年こそ…いや来年でも、どれだけかかってもいい。
But until that day comes, I have faith your true self is in there—and that I will meet her again.いつか君が、自分の本当の気持ちに気づいてくれることを願っているよ。
Embla : Askr, you...are completely unbearable.エンブラ : アスク…お前は本当に…忌々しいやつだ……
Askr : Hah! So I may be! Let us celebrate that as well!アスク : はは、忌々しくて結構。今年もよろしく頼むよ。

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