각오의 백작가 영애 스텔라/대사


My name is Astrid. I may not be the most seasoned fighter in this army, but I will contribute however I can.私はステラと申します。戦いの経験は少ないのですが……お役に立ちたいと思います。

As a daughter of House Damiell, I am expected to marry for politics, not love.
I have not even met the suitor my father decided upon...
The noble houses of Begnion keep their scions within a gilded cage from the moment they are born.
Can... Can I really live like that?
I can't even sleep at night because I'm terrified of surprise attacks. It's made me painfully aware of my frailty.戦いが始まると敵の襲撃に怯えて夜安心して眠ることもできません…自分の弱さを身にしみて感じています…
I don't have much fighting experience. I want to learn so I can hold my own in a battle.
I don't want to be a burden.
Will you teach me how to fight like a mercenary, [Summoner]?[召喚師]様。私に傭兵としての戦い方を教えていただけませんか?

친구 방문

Please accept this gift. I was tasked with delivering it as a token of [Friend]'s gratitude.[フレンド]様から献品をお預かりして参りました。お納めください。

레벨 업

Changing your strategy based on the circumstances—in other words, adaptation... That's the key to victory.戦いは臨機応変……その時々の状況や変化に応じて適切に対処することが大事……
I was taught that aim is everything to an archer. A single accurate shot can bypass even the heaviest armor.私は弓を使いますので……きちんと的を射ることさえできれば敵の兵装は気にしなくてよいと教わりました。
What... What happened?あ……私、どうしたんでしょうか……?


Oh, thank you... I appreciate your doing this for me.あ……ありがとうございます……感動しています。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh...hello. Would you care to lend me your ear, [Summoner]?
I wish to discuss the circumstances that led to me becoming a knight.
Would it surprise you to learn that the man my father gave my hand in marriage to is even older than he is?
Getting married away to improve your family's standing... Such a thing is considered ordinary in Begnion.
My older sisters suffered that fate, and the letters I receive from them are all warped and stained with tears.
When destiny came calling, I saw only one way out: volunteering for military service.
It was a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable, but so long as I remain free, I wish to choose my own path.
I may have lived a sheltered life, but if you are willing to lead, yours is a path I will readily follow.





오의 발동

Your time grows short!嘆かわしい…
Repent while you can!悔い改めるなら今ですわ
I can fight.私は…戦えます
Out of my way!足手まといにはなりません!


I wanted to live free...おばあ…さま…


I am Astrid, of House Damiell. I may be of noble birth, but I can fight!ディアメル伯爵家のステラと申します。よろしくお願いします。
Pardon me, but is this some sort of jest?えっ…? あの……今のは何かの遊びでしょうか?
Some say that I am ignorant to the wider world, but I think I just have much to learn.世間知らずだとよく言われます。まだまだ学んでいかないと…
I intend to live according to my own wishes, not those of my family. I want my life to be my own!私は、私自身の力と意思で生きたいのです。家の言いなりではなく。
Oh, my pendant? My grandmother gave it to me when I was just a girl. I wear it to remember her.このペンダントですか? 大好きなおばあさまの形見なんです。
Are you teasing me? You're not? Oh... I can't believe I said that... I'm so embarrassed...…はぁ(物思いのため息)……や、やだ…私ったらはしたない……!
I'm sure I will grow stronger if I continue fighting by your side.私はあなたと共にあれば、強くなれる気がします。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ええ
Show me.なるほど…
Excuse me!失礼します!

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