변경의 검사 아테나/대사


You call Athena? We are warrior, not little child to come running. Still, you are nice. We stay.アテナ、呼ばれたか?アテナ、子供と違う。剣士。見ればわかる。ばか。

Odor of Heroes... Why is it you say this thing? Do Heroes smell like slop from farm?とくむきかん…?アテナ、わからない。とくむきかんは黄色くて甘いもの?
We are not teacher at heart, but in other world, we have been tutor of the hacking and slashing.アテナ、教えるのは苦手。でも剣を使うことなら負けない。もとの世界で、剣術指南役もしてた。
Always you are busy. Always, never sleep enough. You lay head on fluffy pillow. We do patrol for you.お前、いつも忙しい。いつも大変。少し休んで、ゆっくり寝る。お前の仕事、アテナがかわりにやっておく。
What are these Heroes? Are Heroes us or fancy people in white uniforms like silly ducks?「えいゆう」…?それくらいわかる。ばか。えいゆうとは、青くてひらひらした服の者。
People of this kingdom are under attack by empire. We help. Any good person would.この国の人、敵の国に攻められている。困っている人を助ける、これ、人として当たり前のこと。

친구 방문

In home country, we have expression. Blue means blue, but blue is deep color. Holds all other blues.
Now, you think on that.

레벨 업

We had good day.アテナ、すごく良い。
We had not bad day.アテナ、良い。
We had bad day.…アテナ、良くない。


We are grateful. And we always repay debt.かたじけない。アテナ、この恩義に報いる。

5성 40레벨 달성

We understand many of your fancy words now.
Summon is how you call Heroes like you do.
Breidablik is funny weapon. Divine, divine—we know.
And shoot is to shoot. Even little babies know that.
We are grateful for patience you give us.
There is a saying in home country, that true warriors in group fight as one body with many arms.
So, we help allies, and we give our two arms gladly.
Now, final word we have learned. We are your, how do you say again...? Woman?
Wait, no. Friend. We are your friend. And we hope to learn many more words from you.
だからアテナ、お前の女になる。…違う? お前の友になる。もっといっぱい、色々教えて欲しい。




So frustrating...…悔しい…

오의 발동

We always pay debt!かたじけない
Here is thing for you!おもてなし
Now we cut you!斬る
Prepare for worst.アテナ、参る


We failed.アテナ…未熟…


You have need of us?アテナに用か?
Is that hello in home country?んん? それは、異国の挨拶?
I try speak your tongue, but is twisted.異国の言葉、むずかしい
Half things people say sound like curse words. I know not. But sound like!イロイロとは、いやらしいこと?
This Odor of Heroes... Why not they just take bath, if smell?ぐんぎとは、甘くて丸いもの?
We pledge self to you for life. Is least we can do.お礼に、おまえの嫁になる
We feel bond with you.アテナ、おまえに絆を感じてる

아군 턴 터치

What next?どうする?

캐릭터 페이지로