모든 것을 보는 자 아토스/대사


I am Athos. Many choose simply to call me Archsage. Now, what will I learn here, I wonder?わしはアトス。巷では【大賢者】の名で通っておるよ。どれ、ここでは何が見えるか……

An evil star...rises in Bern... But do not fear. Once again, Lycia brings hope.凶星はベルンの地より来るだろう。だが、案ずるな子らよ。助けは、またリキアより出ずる……
It's been almost a thousand years... and the world is ever-threatened by one who craves the might of dragons.千年に近い年月を経ても【竜】の力を狙い続ける者がいる。その野望が、世界をおびやかす。
It is the will of all the people collectively that decides the course of the world's fate.人々の意思、その総意こそが世界の運命を動かす……
The teachings of Elimine, created for the sake of future generations, reflect the will of the people. And yet...エリミーヌ教か……あれもまた、人を想い、後の世のためにと考え至ったものではあるのだ…
Do you seek me? Well, you have found me.わしなら、ここにいる。

친구 방문

You have a fine look in your eyes. You must be a boon companion to [Friend].そなたが、[フレンド]の友か…良い目をしておる。

레벨 업

As I use my power—my life force—it grows dimmer. At these times, I see the future... The children of fire...わしの命は、力を使うごとに霞みゆく。そのとき…未来のことが見えるのだ…おお、炎の子が……全てを………
Once it begins to turn, none can halt the wheel of fate. But as long as there is hope, people continue to try.回り出した歯車は誰にも止められぬ。しかしそこに希望があるかぎり、人はあがき続けるのだろう……
To fuel your quest with the stolen lives of others, this brings not wisdom but abomination.力を求めるのには反対せん。だがの、他の命を奪ってまで手に入れる方法を許すわけにはいかん。


The hunger for knowledge... It knows no bounds. Solve one mystery, and along comes another.欲というのは際限がないものだ。一つを知れば、またもう一つ……

5성 40레벨 달성

The weapons we once wielded contained great strength, fearsome enough to repel dragons.
Much of this power has been lost to time. That which remains is guarded by the stalwart to prevent its misuse.
All the same... No, in fact, due to this, malcontents scheme to harness the power of the dragons.
They seek the dragon's gate, which will open for none but them.
Ah, I see... This will force humans to realize that their fates are bound to those of the dragons...
They will protect them and so seek salvation that is only possible through cooperation.
I have lived very long. Very long, indeed, but I foresee that this is as far as I go.
And yet, I am glad to know one such as you in my final days...to visit a realm filled with those of strong will.
My utopia, and the ideals that shaped it... I see them in you all.
I have attained true conviction by walking this path to its conclusion. I thank you, [Summoner].





오의 발동

Save your words.言葉は無用
I will fulfill my duty.責を果たそう
Do not fear.案ずるな
Perish in flame!食らうがいい!


I have no regrets.嘆くことはない…


I am Athos. Many centuries ago, I fought in the Scouring as one of the eight legends.アトス。はるか昔、人竜戦役を戦った八神将…わしはその生き残りじゃ。
Hm? You are a strange one. *chuckle*ん? …まったく、そなたは面白いことをする。くっくっく…
The world is full of mysteries. Solve one, and along comes another...この世界には謎がいくらでもある。一つを知れば、またもう一つ…
In my drive to find the truth, I grew detached from my fellow man.真理を追究するあまり、わしは人の理からはずれてしまった。
Once it begins to turn, none can halt the wheel of fate.回り出した歯車は誰にも止められぬ…
Nergal... How did we both become...so distant from humanity?ネルガル…わしらはどうしてここまで隔たってしまったのか…
As you guide me, perhaps you too were guided when you summoned me to this world.わしがこの世界に呼ばれたのも、何かの導きかもしれんな。

아군 턴 터치

I understand.なるほどのう
I shall proceed.わしが行こう

캐릭터 페이지로