숲의 강완 아틀라스/대사
Name's Atlas. I'm just a woodcutter, not some warrior, but if someone's in trouble, I'll lend a hand! | 俺はアトラス。ただの木こりさ。戦士なんて性に合わねえが困ってるんなら力を貸すぜ! |
I owe the priestess a debt for saving my little brothers. If she's in this world, I'll help her however I can. | 神官さまには弟たちを助けてもらった恩がある。神官さまがこの世界にいるならここでも恩返しをしねえとな。 |
Right after I left to serve as a soldier, the village was attacked by bandits. Damn it, if only I'd stuck around... | 兵士として駆り出される間に村が盗賊どもに襲われちまった。くそっ、俺が村を空けたばっかりに…。 |
Can't say I like fighting much. You're the same way, right? I can see it in your eyes. | 戦うのは正直、好きじゃねえ。あんたも同じなんだな?目を見りゃわかるんだよ。 |
The mountains here in Askr sure are something else. They're so majestic, I never get tired of looking at them. | アスク王国にもおもしろい山がたくさんあるな。表情豊かで見ているだけでも飽きないぜ。 |
I've used this axe to chop down hundreds, if not thousands of trees. All to keep my little brothers fed... | 弟たちを食わせるために今まで何百、何千本の木をこの斧で切り倒してきたのさ。 |
친구 방문
Name's Atlas. I'm a woodcutter. I've got a little something for you from [Friend]. | 俺は木こりのアトラスだ。[フレンド]からちょっとした贈り物を預かってきたぜ。 |
레벨 업
Heck, I do this kinda thing to unwind! | これくらいのケンカなら朝飯前だぜ! |
Who's next?! I'm gonna beat the snot outta you! | 次はどいつだ!?片っ端からブチのめしてやる! |
Guess my woodcutting skills aren't as relevant as I thought... | 木を切るのとは勝手が違うか…。 |
Thanks! I'll pay you back for this on the battlefield! | ありがとよ!この恩は戦場で返すとするぜ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I was just a woodcutter back home. Never thought of myself as a hero or anything grand like that. And it's not like I really understand politics or religion. I always figured that stuff was more for royals. But I also ain't a lowlife who would just turn a blind eye to someone in trouble right in front of him. If innocent lives are in danger, I'll do whatever I can to help—even if all I've got is this old axe. I can't just do nothing. Not after everything I've seen. Scorched villages, rivers of blood... Not even the mountains themselves are safe from the ravages of war. You wanna put a stop to it too, don't you? In that case, we've got our eyes set on the same goal. Once there's peace, I can go back to being a simple woodcutter. So let's get all this fighting over with! | 俺はただの木こりだ。自分が英雄だとか思ったことはねえし政治や宗教とかもよくわかんねえ。 しかしな、困っている人たちを前にして見て見ぬフリをできるほど性根は腐ってねえつもりだ。 なんの罪もない民の命が脅かされているのなら俺は遠慮なくこの斧を振るうぜ。 戦争はむごいもんだ。村を焼き、川を血で汚し山を荒れさせる…。 あんたはそれを止めさせたいんだろ?それなら俺と見ている方向は同じってわけだ。 さっさと戦いを終わらせようぜ!平和になりゃあ、俺も晴れてただの木こりに戻れるからよ! |
- | でやっ |
- | おらあっ |
- | ぐっ |
- | ちくしょう…! |
오의 발동
I'll cut you down! | ブッ殺す! |
Don't you underestimate me! | なめてんじゃねえ! |
You wanna brawl?! | やんのか、あぁ!? |
Ready to fall? Bring it on! | 死ぬ気でこい!! |
Not here... Not... | こんなところでよ… |
— | へっ |
Name's Atlas. I'm just a simple woodcutter. | 俺はアトラス。ただの木こりだ。 |
Huh? The heck was that?! Oh... You call that a prank? | うおっ!? 何だ、やんのか!? …え、冗談? |
I ain't really cut out for being a warrior. I'm better suited for chopping trees, if you ask me. | 戦士なんて柄じゃねえ。山で木を切ってんのが性に合ってる。 |
Summoning? Divine Weapons? Sorry, friend, but you're gonna have to explain it simpler to me. | しょ、召喚? 神器? …悪ぃ、もっとわかりやすく説明してくれ。 |
That priestess Celica has got smarts, sophistication, and on top of that, she's strong... She's just amazing. | 神官様って学があって上品で、おまけに強くて…すげえよなあ。 |
Just you wait... Your big brother's definitely coming home... | 待ってろよ、お前ら…兄ちゃん、必ず帰るからな… |
I don't really like fighting, but if you need me to, I'll put my life on the line. | 戦うのは好きじゃねえが、あんたの為なら命張るぜ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Can do. | おう |
Huh? | あぁん? |
Timber! | いっちょやるか! |