시대를 읽는 군사 아우구스트/대사


My name is August, a traveling priest of Bragi. Allow me to ascertain if my skills will prove useful...私はアウグストと申す者。旅のブラギ僧にございます。さて、お役に立てますかどうか……

The meek require a guiding light to chase away the darkness. Only true heroes can meet that need.世を生きる大半の人々は弱く、貧しい。ゆえに、影を払う導きの光を求める。英雄とは、そんな時代が作り出す偶像…
The Loptr Empire's methods are merciless. Burning rebels or burying them alive... Truly an age of darkness.ロプトのやり口は容赦がありません。反抗すれば村ごと火あぶりや生き埋めに…まさに伝説の『暗黒の時代』そのものですな。
Just as people seek to use power, so power seeks to be used in turn. What matters is how it is used...人が力を欲するように、力もまた、人を欲しているもの。その源が光であろうと、闇であろうと…
As it is said, "A thousand pegasi led by one dragon can defeat a thousand dragons led by one pegasus."『一頭の竜が率いる千頭の天馬は 一頭の天馬が率いる千頭の竜よりも強い』古くから伝わることわざのひとつです。
The idealist may seek glory by death in battle, but a ruler must seek only life, so his people may prosper.潔く闘い、花と散る……?そんなものは王の道ではありません。王の責任とは、民を飢えさせないことです。

친구 방문

People thrive or decay based on guidance from their ruler. I wonder... Which fate will befall those of Askr?
Ah, forgive me... I am merely a traveler.

레벨 업

Do you finally understand? There is nothing I cannot do.おわかりいただけましたかな。アウグストあるところ、不可能はないのです。
Our plans shall proceed accordingly, so long as my advice is respected.進行に問題はありません。すべて私の掌の上でありますれば。
Your concern is appreciated, albeit wholly unnecessary.ご心配に感謝いたします。が、それには及びませんな。


Bounty births greed, and greed begets conflict. Let us steel our hearts to avoid that disastrous path.豊かさは欲望を生み、欲望は争いを導く…これからもそのことを忘れず、心を引き締めて進まれますよう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Allow me a question. In your eyes, what does the future of this kingdom—no, this world—hold?
You may feel you are not able to presume. That is realistic, considering your position.
After all, it is you and your Heroes who will play the key role in this kingdom's survival...or destruction.
Yet I wonder: do all these Heroes understand that the people are the ones who suffer most in conflict?
Where will your beliefs and drive lead? If unending conflict is the result, so be it...
But do allow me to bear witness.




I lack the strength...力が足りぬ…

오의 발동

I'll take care of this.片づけましょう
I know the risks.困難は承知
It's basic tactics.戦術の基本です
Don't be so surprised.おどろきあるな


I miscalculated...不覚に…ございました…


Get ahold of yourself.しっかりなされよ
You must not fail.倒れてはなりませぬ
There is nothing I cannot do. Leave everything to me.このアウグストに不可能はなし。万事、お任せを。
The people don't need a hero. They only need the illusion of one.必要とされているのは、幻想としての【英雄】です。
My name is August. I am a traveling priest of Bragi.アウグストと申します。旅のブラギ僧にございます。
Hm. Before I do anything, I'll need to inform Lewyn...さて…まずはあの方に報告せねばならぬな…
Know this: I, August, am here to serve you.このアウグスト、あなた様のお役に立ちたいと存じます。

아군 턴 터치

Oh. That's it?どうしますか?
A good plan.よろしいかと…

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