축제의 가희 아쿠아/대사
I'm a songstress from another world... Who I am doesn't matter. Just know that I'll fulfill my role. | 私は異界の歌姫…名乗るほどの者ではないの。来た以上は役目を果たすことにするわ。 |
Life is so much easier when I wear a veil. No one can tell who I am... So no one pries into my affairs. | この姿でいると楽だわ…誰も私を私だと気づかない。余計な詮索もされないもの。 |
The shows in Cyrkensia are grand. Aristocrats—even royalty—come from all over just to see them... I've even heard tales of a songstress who became a queen. Once the king saw her sing, it was love at first sight. | アミュージアのショーはとても盛大なの。各国の王侯貴族が見に訪れるから…見初められて王妃になる歌姫もいるそうよ。 |
Do you have trouble sleeping? Everyone in the Order of Heroes works so hard... If you want to hear a lullaby, don't hesitate to call on me. | 特務機関のみんなは働き者ね。夜はしっかり眠れているかしら?子守歌が必要なら言ってちょうだい。 |
Princess Sharena asked me to teach her how to sing. Why don't you join us? You might learn a little something. | シャロン王女に歌を教えてほしいと頼まれたのだけれど…折角だから、あなたも一緒に教わる気はない? |
I have an idea for a new song. I think it would be lovely to sing about this world after I return to my own. | …新しい歌を考えていたわ。元いた国に戻っても、この世界のことを歌い継げたら素敵だと思ったの。 |
친구 방문
I bring greetings from [Friend]. Is there a reason you're looking at me so intently? | [フレンド]から挨拶よ。それを伝えに来ただけだから…あまりじろじろ見ないでちょうだい。 |
레벨 업
If I'm meeting your expectations, then I'm happy. | あなたの期待に沿えたなら私も嬉しいわ。 |
I'm pleased that my skills are developing. | 成長できたのなら良かったわ。 |
What a shame. | …今回は残念だったわね。 |
You've decided to entrust me with this power? Thank you. | そんな貴重な力を私に?そう…ありがとう。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
While I was performing, I heard your voice, clear and strong. It said that I was needed. My first thought was that I must go. I didn't understand what a summoner was, then. But now, I'm happy to help. Even so, I cannot stay here very long. I'm on a journey into the darkness... and my true allies are waiting for me. The path before me is dim. I don't know whether I'll make it to the end... If a cruel fate awaits me... If I disappear... Call to me. Your voice can give me form. I believe this, and I believe in you. | [召喚師]。私、ショー会場であなたの声を聴いたわ。私を必要とする、強く澄んだ呼び声… 行かなきゃいけないって、そう思ったの。召喚師だなんて最初は戸惑ったけれど、今はあなたの役に立てることが嬉しいわ。 けれど、ここに長くはいられない。私は暗き道を往く途中…戻れば本当の仲間たちが待っているから。 道の先がどうなるかはわからないわ。無事でいられるかどうかさえ。もしそうなってしまったら… 泡となった私をもう一度ここへ呼んで。あなたなら…例え私がどんな姿になっても違わずに形を与えてくれると信じているわ。 |
せやっ | |
Here I go. | いくわよ |
くっ…! | |
I was careless... | 油断したわ… |
오의 발동
My heart is singing! | 歌いましょう |
Time for a requiem! | レクイエムよ |
Let's strike up a tune! | メロディを頂戴 |
It's curtains for you! | 幕を下ろすわ |
It's over... | 歌の…終わりね… |
Yes | ええ |
Glad to sing for you. | 精一杯歌うわ |
Please stay safe. | どうか無事でいて |
I'm afraid that I must wear this to keep my identity in the shadows. | 黒い色は、姿を偽るときに便利だわ |
I wonder if anyone in the Order of Heroes loves to sing too? | 特務機関にも、歌が好きな人はいるかしら? |
Just before I arrived here, I was part of a show in a place known as Cyrkensia. | ここに来る前…アミュージアのショーに参加していたの |
What a gift, coming here. The Heroes of so many worlds are able to share their songs with me. | 英雄たちに歌を教わったの。異世界の旋律…美しいわね |
The power of song conveys honesty so purely. I hope you feel the truth of how I feel about you. | 歌は素直に気持ちを表現できるから好きだわ。ねえ、私の気持ちはあなたに伝わっている? |
아군 턴 터치
Of course. | わかったわ |
On the way. | はじめましょう |
Let us sing. | 歌いきるわ |