울리는 인연의 노래 아쿠아/대사


My name is Azura, the one whose destiny is entwined with Corrin's.私はアクア。カムイと運命をともにすることを宿命づけられた者…

We mustn't avert our eyes from the path we've chosen, no matter how unpleasant it may be.
We can get upset, throw a fit, cry about it... Then we must push past it.
Corrin is a Hoshidan raised in Nohr, yet I am a Nohrian raised in Hoshido... Both royals with strange fates.カムイは白夜の王族なのに暗夜で育ち私は暗夜の王女なのに白夜で育った…数奇な運命ね。
There is value in not allowing oneself to be caught off guard. So my voice, as my weapon, is always at the ready.武器のように、喉の手入れも怠らないわ。少しの油断が後悔の元となるのはあなたもわかっていることでしょう?
Hmm, the way the sunshine filters through the leaves in the courtyard... It reminds me of Castle Shirasagi.このお城の中庭には懐かしさを感じるわ。降り注ぐ木漏れ日と木々の香りが白夜の城を思い出すから。
Singing at the castle's communal baths really lifts my spirits. I feel I give my best performances there.お城の大浴場で歌を歌うのは好きよ。あの場所で歌うといつもよりうまく歌える気がするの。

친구 방문

I do hope your bond remains strong forevermore with [Friend].あなたが[召喚師]?[フレンド]との絆…永遠に変わらないことを祈っているわ。

레벨 업

Corrin, do know that you will never be alone, so long as I draw breath.カムイ…あなたを決して一人にはしないわ。
This song I sing so boundlessly... May it span the waters of space and time and reach Corrin's ears...この歌を…カムイに届けたいの。
So be it. I must work harder from now on.仕方ないわ。次、頑張りましょう。


I am grateful for your sentiments, forever etched in my heart.ありがとう。あなたの想い…胸に刻んだわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

My bond with Corrin took shape not only due to our similar upbringings... We share an idealism for the future.
Corrin taught me the world is replete with joy, but it was not until I saw it for myself that I truly appreciated it.
Compassion for others, procured from the care shown to me, is now the strength that drives me forward.
Even if the world turns against us... No matter what darkness lies before us... Our bond will never shatter.
Side by side, Corrin and I will dispel the dusk with our combined light and bring a new dawn unto the world.





오의 발동

Accept my song.歌をあなたに
We cannot be parted.断ち切れないわ
So long as you're here...あなたがいれば…
Bonds are eternal.絆は永遠よ


Corrin, forgive me...カムイ…ごめんなさい…


We go together.さあ、一緒に
Let us sing.歌いましょう
Corrin and I are reflections of one another, as are the paths our destinies have followed.カムイは私の鏡のような存在なの。辿ってきた運命も…
If you have a moment, could you direct me to a suitable place to practice my singing?ねえ、歌の練習をするのにいい場所を知らない?
Somehow, while wearing this outfit, I feel more deeply connected to Corrin.この衣装を身に着けると、カムイをより近くに感じるの。
No matter the distance between us, Corrin, we will always be together.カムイ…たとえどんな世界でも、私たちは一緒…
You and I share a connection that I cherish as well.あなたとの絆も、かけがえのないものだと思っているわ。

아군 턴 터치

We are aligned.そうしましょう
Our next goal?どこへ行けば?
Clearing a path.道を拓くわ

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