레스터의 격투왕 발타자르/대사


The name's Balthus, heir to House Albrecht and the Undisputed King of Grappling. You can count on me!おれを頼るとは見どころのある奴だ。バルタザール=フォン=アダルブレヒトレスターの格闘王とはおれのことよ!

Whoa! Hilda and the professor are in this world too?! You better not have summoned the debt collectors...うおっ! ヒルダや先生たちまでこの世界にいるのかよ!?まさか借金取りまでいねえよな…?
I racked up some debt and made a habit of attracting bounty hunters. That's how I ended up in Abyss.おれの首を狙う賞金稼ぎども相手にちいとばかし派手にやり過ぎちまってな。それでアビスに匿ってもらってたのさ。
Yuri, Constance, and Hapi all have their quirks, but they're not bad people. I bet you'll get along just fine.ユーリスやコンスタンツェ、ハピたちはクセは強いが悪い奴らじゃねえ。腹割って話せば仲良くなれるさ。
Don't think I look like a noble? I get that, but you're looking at the head of a minor noble house of the Alliance!貴族には見えないかい?よく言われるが…これでもレスターの小貴族の当主だったのさ。
We all have to decide where we belong and then fight for it. Can't let your wallet control your fate.てめえの居場所は、てめえで決める。懐事情なんかに左右されてたまるかい。アスクに来ても、そいつは変わらねえ。

친구 방문

Let me hide out here for a little while. Don't ask why! Just do it as a favor for your pal [Friend]!お前、[フレンド]の知り合いなんだろ? ちいとばかし匿ってくれ! 事情は聞くな…!

레벨 업

It's good to be king.レスターの格闘王は健在だぜ!
Fresh out of luck.おれとかち合ったのが運の尽きよ!
Heh. Can't seem to find my footing today...チッ、今日はツキがねえ…。


Thanks! My arms are throbbing from all that training!ありがとよ!腕がうずいてくるぜ!

5성 40레벨 달성

I finally made it out of life underground, but now I'm fighting in another world. It's always something!
I guess leading an adventurous life is better than a boring one, but...
On the other hand, I feel like my life might be a little too adventurous, you know what I mean?
Either way, there don't seem to be any debt collectors or bounty hunters after me, so maybe I can relax a little.
While I'm here, I might as well show you what it means to be the Indomitable King of Grappling.
I'll make it so our enemies won't know what hit 'em. Just let me do things my way and we'll be square.





오의 발동

Time to die, pal!その命、もらうぜ!
Heh, watch this!覚悟はできてんだろ?
Ready to bleed?風穴、開けるぜい!


I'll get you next time!また会おうぜ…


The name's Balthus. Formerly of the Alliance.おれはバルタザール。同盟領の出身だ。よろしくな。
Gonna take more than that to get the jump on me, pal.おおっ? 何だ? それくらいじゃおれはびくともしねえぜ。
We all have to decide where we belong and then fight for it.てめえの居場所はてめえで決める。
Bounty hunters are the worst, yeah? They can't just let me be.賞金稼ぎを返り討ちにするのも、いい加減面倒でな。
If they want a fight, let's give 'em one to remember!喧嘩を吹っかけてきたのはあっちの方だ。派手に暴れてやろうぜ。
Where do I gotta go to get some gold around here?どっかに金でも転がってないかねえ…
You're a busy one, aren't ya? Being a summoner seems like a tough gig.あっちに行ったりこっちに行ったり、召喚師ってのは大変だなあ。

아군 턴 터치

Over that way?そっちか?
Let's get to it!折れんなよ!

캐릭터 페이지로