타리스의 의용병 바츠/대사
The name's Barst. I used to be a mercenary—now I'm just a regular woodcutter. | おれはバーツ。傭兵もしてた時もあるが…今はただのしがない木こりさ。 |
What a castle! Wonder how many guys it took to build this thing... | すげえ城だな。こいつを建てるのにどんだけの石を使ってんだろうな…? |
Wonder how ol' Bord and Cord are doing... | サジ、マジ…あいつら元気にやってるかな…? |
Let me know if ya run outta firewood. I'll chop up a mountain for ya. | 薪が足りねえ時はおれに言いな。山ほど刈ってきて積み上げてやるぜ。 |
Fighting's thirsty work! Wanna join me for a drink? | 一仕事終えた後には酒!こいつに限るぜ!お前も一緒にやるか? |
Try as I might, I'll never repay Captain Ogma. He's like a giant among men. | オグマ隊長に受けた恩は返しきれねえ…あの人こそ、男の中の男だぜ。 |
친구 방문
Hey, are you [Summoner]? My summoner bugged me to come over and say hi to ya. Who? Oh, [Friend]! | あんたが[召喚師]か![フレンド]が挨拶しとけってうるさくてな! |
레벨 업
Let me show you what these big ol' arms can do! | おれの剛腕、見せつけてやるぜ! |
This ain't me by half. | おれの力はまだまだこんなもんじゃねえ! |
Eh, maybe I should just go back to cuttin' down trees... | こいつはだめだ…おとなしく木こりに戻るか… |
I'm feelin' it! Count on me for whatever you need. | 力が湧いてくるぜ。何でもおれに頼ってくれ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
I joined the Altean army after a stint as a mercenary... Was a pirate for a bit after that. Thought I'd retire to the peaceful life as a woodcutter, but here's another war needs my attention. Heh. That's fate for you, I guess. Not all bad, though—I got to meet you. Here's to shared fate, eh? But don't get too comfortable— you never know when we might go our separate ways! | 傭兵をやった後はアカネイアの軍隊に入り…その後は海賊なんかもやった。 んで最後に木こりで落ち着くかって、思ってたんだけどな…結局こうしてまた戦場にいる… はは…おれはそういう運命の下に生まれてるのかな。 お前と出会ったのも元から運命づけられてたってわけだ。はは、これからもよろしくな。 まあ流れもんだからいつまでいるか、わかんねーけどな! |
でぇいっ! | |
うぉらっ! |
うああっ! | |
I'll remember this. | 覚えてやがれ |
오의 발동
Timmmber! | 行くぜ |
You're done! | てめえからだ! |
Chaaaaarge! | おらおらおらぁっ! |
Ready to die, huh?! | 死にてえんだな! |
Dammit... | ちきしょう…め… |
Haha! | ははっ |
Need me for something? | おれに何か用かい? |
Wha—?! Don't sneak up on a guy like that! | おわっ!? き、急に声をかけるなよ |
I'm just a guy who chops wood. That's all. | おれぁただの木こりさ。 |
Hey, how ya doing? | おう、元気かい? |
Wanna know something? Long time ago I was a pirate for a while. | 昔ぁ、海賊もやってたがな。 |
You give the orders and I'll follow 'em. | あんたの命令ならどこでも行くぜ。 |
Take good care of us on the field, right? Our lives are in your hands. | おれの命、あんたに預けたぜ。 |
아군 턴 터치
Hey. | おう |
Yep. | おれだな |
Let's do it. | いっちょやるか |