무서운 얼굴의 중기사 브노와/대사
I'm Benny, a border guard from Nohr. I hope you aren't scared of me, because I'd like to make friends. | …ブノワだ。暗夜王国の国境警備兵…怖がらずに、仲良くしてほしい… |
Isn't it kind of scary never knowing what may come through that summoning gate? Huh? I've been the scariest thing to come through so far? | 召喚は何が出るかわからなくて、怖いと思わないのか…?なに、俺が出た時が一番怖かった…? |
I was a border guard before coming here. And before that, I lived in a farming village. Goes to show, you never know where your life will take you next until you're there. | ここに来る前は、国境を守っていた…その前は農村で暮らしていたが…人生は何が起こるかわからないな… |
You can't fight, but you aren't afraid of battle. You've got a strong spirit. | お前は戦えないのに…戦場を恐れないのだな。とても、強い心を持っていると思う… |
I've made friends with the animals living nearby. Maybe you'd like to... take a walk with me and meet them? | 動物たちと友達になってきた…[召喚師]も一度…彼らに会いに森に行ってみないか… |
I made some more charms. Enough for everyone. I want to make sure everyone makes it home safely. | お守りを作っていた…俺の分だけではなく、皆の分も…全員無事で、戻ってこられるように… |
친구 방문
Thanks for coming to greet me. I have a message for the summoner on behalf of [Friend]. | 声をかけてくれて礼を言う…[フレンド]の挨拶を、ここの召喚師に届けに来たんだ… |
레벨 업
Is it OK for me to get this much stronger? | ものすごく強くなったが大丈夫なのか…? |
This is nice. | …良かった。 |
Maybe it's time I made myself a new good-luck charm. | お守りを作り直そう… |
Thank you. The stronger I get, the better I can protect everyone. | 感謝する…強くなればまた、皆を守れる… |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh, it's you. You always take the time to talk to me... You aren't scared of me like the others. I know I have "one of those faces." It's led to all sorts of rumors spreading about me back home. People claim that I once tossed a man so high into the sky, he never came back down. And just the other day, I overheard someone say my battle cry could shut the gateways for good. Commander Anna even paid me a visit to remind me to save it for the battlefield! But the truth is, I don't have that sort of power. The sort of power I do have is that to protect my friends. And it's all thanks to you and the time we spent together. Thanks for being brave, [Summoner]. | …[召喚師]か。お前はいつも俺に話しかけてくれるな。俺のこと、怖くはないのか…? 俺はこの顔だし…体格もいい方だ。祖国では「怒らせると国が滅びる」とか沢山の噂を作ってしまった… ここに来てからも「雄叫びを上げると異界への扉が勢いよくすべて閉まる」という噂が立てられてしまってな… アンナ隊長まで確かめに来たことがある…もちろん、俺にそんな力はない。だが、仲間たちを守る力はある… [召喚師]が俺のこと…気にかけてくれた分だけ強くなれたからな。怖がらず接してくれて、ありがとう… |
むんっ! | |
うおおっ! |
うおっ! | |
Argh... | しまった…! |
오의 발동
Here goes nothing. | ダメ元だ… |
You don't scare me. | 怖くないぞ… |
Don't you come near me. | こっちに来るな… |
Sorry about this. | すまない… |
Stay safe...everybody... | みんなは…無事で… |
Yes | ああ |
I brought a lot of good-luck charms with me. | お守りをたくさん持ってきた… |
When I was summoned, I thought I was headed to the other side... | 召喚された時は、あの世に来たかと思ってしまった… |
Who...who's there? Oh. It's just you. You scared me. | ひっ、なんだ!? ああ、お前か…驚いてしまったぞ… |
I like animals. They aren't scared of me. | 動物たちは俺を怖がらない…だから好きだ… |
You aren't hurt, are you? I always worry about my friends. | 怪我はしてないか…俺は、仲間のことが心配なんだ… |
All of the Heroes are so brave. I need to find my courage. | 英雄たちは皆、勇敢だ。怯えてばかりいられないな… |
If you ever find yourself in danger, just hide behind me. This is sturdy armor. | 危ないと思ったらいつでも、俺の後ろに隠れるといい…この鎧はとても頑丈だからな… |
아군 턴 터치
Hmm... | そうだな… |
I'll protect you. | 守ってみせる… |
It's OK. | 大丈夫だ… |