고귀한 장난 베르크트/대사
Berkut is my name. You've got some nerve, dragging me here today! You had better entertain me. | …ベルクトだ。せっかくの祝祭日に呼び出すなぞいい度胸だな。せいぜいこの俺を楽しませるがいい。 |
My uncle, the emperor, does not hold with festivities such as these. Though we shan't let that bother us, shall we? | 伯父上…皇帝陛下はこういう浮かれた催しはお嫌いなんだ。…だからどうという訳でもないが。 |
Even in Rigel, this time of year has perfect weather to go outside. It's no wonder the rabble rouses itself, eh? | リゲルでもこの季節は気候がよい。平民どもが浮かれて騒ぐのも無理はなかろう。 |
Don't tell me you're already worn out! Train every day, and you'll see results both on and off the battlefield. | 何だ、もうへたばったのか。日頃の鍛錬がこういう場でもものを言うのだ。 |
Rinea said she'd not mind if I danced with you? That girl's heart is open to all. Very well! Take my hand. | 俺と踊るとリネアに悪い? フン。リネアはそんな度量の狭い女ではない。さあ、手を取るがいい。 |
Me? I'm window shopping. Come and look at these hair clips. Tell me— which shows superior craftsmanship? | 出店を冷やかしているだけだ。…おい。この髪飾りとこっちのとどちらがいいと思う。 |
친구 방문
Come—[Friend] would see you dance! What are you waiting for? | [フレンド]がお前の踊りを見たいそうだ。さぞ見ものなんだろうな? |
레벨 업
Swept you off your feet, did I? Ha-hah! | どうだ。あまりの優雅さに目が潰れたか? ッハハハ! |
They have not written music I cannot dance to. | 俺に踊れぬ曲などない。 |
Clumsy oaf! You couldn't lead your partner if your lowly life depended upon it. | くっ…お前のリードが悪いのだ!この下手くそ! |
Well, I suppose I could honor you with a dance. Just this once... | ふん…特別に一曲踊ってやってもいいぞ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Unlike his older brother the emperor, my father was a kind, gentle man. He passed ere I was 10 years old. My mother smiled often when I was small. I remember it well... Oh, they'd argue, to be sure, but soon I'd see them dancing together in the great hall. I did not yet understand marriage. Still, I knew I wanted someone who'd dance like that with me. When I first met Rinea, she told me she loved to dance. It was as if... Well... I see that I've said too much. Now take that silly grin off of your face. | 俺の父上は、兄である陛下とは違い穏やかで優しい方だった。俺が十にも満たぬ歳に亡くなったがな。 その頃は母上もよく笑っていた。二人は言い争うことも多かったが気がつくと広間で踊っているんだ。 俺には夫婦のことなぞよく分らんがいつかああいう相手に巡り会えるのだろうかと思ったものだ。 …初めて会った時、リネアは踊るのが好きだと言った。だからどうという訳ではないがな。 何だ、そのにやついた顔は?フン。俺としたことが祭りに当てられて余計なことを言った。忘れろ。 |
はあっ | |
Stop! | 止まれ! |
ぐっ… | |
不覚…! |
오의 발동
Off tempo! | 無様だな |
Hmph. Clodhopper. | フン、田舎者が |
I'll make you dance. | 踊らせてやろう |
Are you captivated? | 見蕩れていたのか? |
I can hear the music... | まだ…曲が… |
Hmm... | ふん… |
Why do you rest? | 何を休んでいる。 |
You should be honored. | 光栄に思え。 |
They have not written music I cannot dance to. Mind you, nothing less should be expected of the heir to the empire. | 俺に踊れぬ曲などない。次期皇帝の嗜みとして当然だ。 |
You cannot take even one step? Peasants are so damnably timid! | なんだ、ステップのひとつも踏めないのか。これだから平民は… |
I was reluctant to participate in this frivolity, but I must consider Rinea's feelings toward the matter. | このような浮かれた催し…不本意だが、リネアに免じて許してやろう。 |
When I take Rinea's hand in mine, just before the dance... For that brief moment, I can forget my troubles. | リネアの手を取って踊る瞬間だけ、俺は何もかも忘れられる… |
Just this once, I shall dance with you. It shall be a story you tell your grandchildren! | 特別にお前とも一曲踊ってやる。子々孫々まで語り継ぐがいい。 |
아군 턴 터치
Let me have my fun. | 楽しませろよ |
How clumsy. | 無粋な… |
I'll show you how it's done. | 得意な曲だ |