교만한 왕자 베르크트/대사


I am Berkut. Someday I shall stand atop the Rigelian Empire. You should thank the gods I'm here with you now.我が名はベルクト。いずれリゲル帝国の皇帝となる者だ。この俺と共に戦える僥倖に感謝しろ。

Why should I swallow my pride and fraternize with commoners? This is nothing less than total humiliation!なぜ俺が、このような下賤の輩どもと寝食を共にせねばならんのだ……?!この屈辱は倍にして返してやるぞ……!
I have honed my skills unceasingly since my youth. As next in line for the imperial throne, it is my duty.
I take pride in the power I've worked so hard for.
Beavering away on another task? You're a diligent creature, no doubt of that. You'd make a fine servant.また任務か。お前のような輩はネズミのように立ち働くのがお似合いだ。せいぜい俺に尽くすがいい。
You there. Show me to a jeweler. Not for myself, I'll have you know. Not that I owe you an explanation!おい。装飾品を扱う店に案内しろ。……理由なんぞどうでもいいだろう。言っておくが、俺がつけるのではないぞ!
What am I doing? I'm polishing a ring, obviously. It's...none of your concern. Begone! Now!なにをしているのかだと?指輪を磨いているだけだ。これは俺の…………なんでもない。さっさと向こうへいけ!

친구 방문

Who has the temerity to send me on errands? Oh, none other than [Friend].[フレンド]からお前への伝言だ。この俺に使い走りをさせたこと、後悔させてやる……!

레벨 업

Hah! Now you understand what I'm made of.ハハハハハ!見たか、これが俺というものだ!
I expected better.ふん、この程度か。
I refuse to accept this!なっ……?!ばかな、なにかの間違いだ!


Wise choice. You may have earned a little of my respect...……新たな力を得るというのは悪くない。少しはお前に報いてやろう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, it's you. Such a restless creature you are. It's undignified. Be calm, and sit down for a moment, at least.
After so many battles, I can see that you have some skill as a leader. Though it pains me, I must admit it.
On my return to Rigel, you could even join my forces as a commander. What say you?
Hah! That "no" was both quick and firm. Of course, that's the answer I expected from you.
Just be glad this is not Rigel. Your head would be rolling on the floor right now. Oh, well...
The fate of a great man is to have no one he might call a friend. But you... Is that what you are to me? Perhaps.
どうだ、俺が帰る際には連れて帰って指揮官として働かせてやってもいいぞ。……絶対に嫌だと? ハハッ!


Drop dead!くたばれ!


You worm!小癪な…!

오의 발동

Meet your end!終わりだ
Die, worm!下衆が…
Know your damn place!思い上るな
Be gone from my sight!消え失せろ!




Ugh. What are you doing?なにをする……
Again? How infantile.子供扱いはよせ。
Enough of that. State your purpose, if you have one.言いたいことがあるなら口で言え。
My uncle is owed all of the respect in the world.伯父上は尊敬すべきお方だ。
I must gather my might. I will need it.俺はもっと強くならねば……
I will rule Valentia in due course.俺はいずれ、バレンシアを統べる王となる。
You do intrigue me. I should keep my eye on you.なかなか興味深いやつだな、お前は。

아군 턴 터치

All right.ふん、よかろう。
I'll do it.見せてやろう。

캐릭터 페이지로