연옥의 왕자 베르크트/대사


Hah! I am Berkut! I shall end all things...with Duma's supreme power!クッ……クククク……我が名はベルクト。ドーマ神の力により全てを破滅させし者…!

All this time! All the effort! What has it all been for?! Tell me, Uncle... Duma... Someone...TELL ME!俺は…何のために今まで……教えてください伯父上……ドーマ神よ…誰か……!
You ask me of my...home? I have nothing of the sort. Even Rigel is now forever beyond my grasp...故郷の話だと…?俺にはそんなものはない。リゲル帝国はもう俺のものでは……
Ah, the summoner-savior... Tell me, do you see the strings commanding you to dance to liars' songs?世界を救う召喚師……お前も真実を知らず踊らされているだけかもしれんぞ…ククク……
If you thirst for power, give all you are to Duma. Your love, your hate, your past—everything!お前も力が欲しいか。ならばドーマに捧げるがいい。愛も情も、過去のすべてをな…!
Have you seen Rinea? I'm looking for her... Rinea! Where have you gone?! Please, answer me...リネアを捜しているんだ……なあ、俺のリネアを知らないか?どこにいるんだリネア。返事をしてくれ……

친구 방문

So, you are [Summoner]? You will be sacrificed to Duma, as [Friend] commands.お前が[召喚師]か?[フレンド]が貴様をドーマの贄に選んだようだぞ…。

레벨 업

Hah! Very good... This can only be a blessing from Duma!ククク…いいぞ……これが我が神ドーマの祝福だ……!
Bow before Duma's power!ドーマの力に平伏すがいい!
Have...even the gods forsaken me?!…神さえも俺を見捨てるのか……!!


Show me the enemy. I will use my new power to eradicate them!どいつがお前の敵だ?この力で焼き尽くしてやろう…!

5성 40레벨 달성

You, summoner...how pitiful you are. To the people of this world, you are little more than a walking sacrifice.
They praise you as a savior, but once your usefulness has run its course, they will cast you aside...
Of course, you struggle with the idea. You want to tell me how wrong I am. Your naivety is plain on your face.
You see only the surface of things. Beneath, the world is cruel—everyone hides their true intentions.
Someday, you will realize the truth as I have... When that day comes, I will relish the regret on your face... Hah!
何だ? その顔は。違うとでもいいたいのか。まったくおめでたい奴だ。





오의 발동

I'll kill you.殺す…
By Duma's power!ドーマの力よ!
Look at me!俺を認めろ…!
Die, die, DIE!死ね死ね死ねー!!


My power...俺の…力が…


laugh probably evil chuckleククク……
If you wish to be burned by Duma's flame, then by all means... Touch me once more.ドーマの炎で焼かれたいのか?気安く触るな。
Do you not know who I am? I am Rigel's next emperor! Hahaha!俺が誰だかわかるか。リゲル帝国の次期皇帝だ!ハッハハハハ…!!
Did you just utter the name Alm? Never speak that name again!アルムだと…?二度とその名を口にするな!
Valentia... This country... Everything! I'll see it all aflame!何もかも、バレンシアもこの世界も俺が焼き尽くしてやる……!
Rinea... Where are you? Where did you go? Oh, Rinea...リネア…リネアどこだ…? どこにいるんだ…なあ……
I wished to become emperor... I wished to be a king for all of Valentia, and to see a smile upon Rinea's face...俺は皇帝になりたかった…バレンシアの王となり、リネアの笑顔が見たかった…
Kriemhild shall claim your life one day. Heh... Are you looking forward to it?お前もいずれ我がクリムヒルドの餌食となるのだ。楽しみだろう?

아군 턴 터치

The end.終わりだ。
I will kill.殺してやる…

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