암살자 베르카/대사


I'm Beruka, an assassin from Nohr. Need me for some missions? Fine. I'll take the job.…ベルカ。暗夜王国の殺し屋よ…あなたも、私を雇うの?

Order of Heroes—hmm, I bet that's just a fancy label for a group of assassins.特務機関って、何…?新手の殺し屋集団…?
My liege is Lady Camilla. She took me under her wing. So I'm going to protect her at all costs.私はカミラ様に仕えてる…カミラ様は私の主君で、雇い主…守らなければいけない相手だから。
I'll always follow your instructions in a mission. I can read your lips from all the way across the battlefield.戦場では前に出過ぎないで…指示は後方からにして。命令なら、唇を読むだけでもわかるわ。
I need the strongest weapon I can get, but I don't know what that is in this realm. Keep your eyes peeled.今度、良い武器屋を教えて。私はここの地理に明るくない…どんな武器が強力かも、わからない…
I keep my weapons in top shape. So don't sneak up on me while I'm sharpening them, all right?不用意に近付かないで…武器の手入れ中よ。

친구 방문

I'm on a mission to deliver a critical message. Hello... from [Friend].
Mission complete.

레벨 업

To face me is death.死にたいなら、来なさい…
Time for a new objective...次の標的を教えて…


More power? Good. I'll need it.新しい力…悪くないわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

[Summoner]... I am glad to see you are still alive.
Why am I glad? ...I don't know.
I am not obligated to you. You are not my liege—we have no contractual arrangement.
However, I...worry about your well-being. Presumably because of your irreplaceable abilities.
Assassins like myself do not get emotionally attached, so I'm sure it's your abilities that concern me.




Slipped up...不覚…

오의 발동

Time to play!可愛がってあげる
Finishing the mission.任務遂行
This is over!仕上げよ
I will exterminate you!消させてもらう


Mission failed.任務は…失敗……


Need something? Then state it. I can execute any mission.何か用…?
Name a target. Any target. Until then, I'll be here—getting ready.殺しの依頼なら聞くわ
I never hold back on the battlefield. I give all. And I take all.戦場で敵対したら、誰でも容赦しない
I don't waste time when taking out a target. So, surprise attacks. And poison if I have it.暗殺なら、毒物や奇襲が有効よ…
This realm... These people... It's too bright, all of it.この国は明るすぎる…人も、風景も…
Where is Lady Camilla? I've got to keep her safe at all costs.カミラ様はどこ… 雇い主の護衛は、私の任務…
You take to the battlefield with a nonlethal weapon. Hmm.あなたは、人を殺せない武器を持って戦場にいる…危なっかしくて…放っておけない…

아군 턴 터치

My target?誰を消す?

캐릭터 페이지로