사준의 장 칠흑의 기사/대사


I am a general of Daein, and one of the Four Riders.私はデイン王国の将、【四駿】の位を冠する者。

To think a world such as this could exist... If I stayed here, then perhaps...このような世界があったのか…ここでなら…私は…
Circumstances being what they are, I shall lend you my strength. However, just one shall ever be my true master.故あって、貴殿に力を貸そう。だが、私が仕える御方はただ一人…
To surpass General Gawain...is my ultimate goal as a swordsman.ガウェイン将軍…あなたを超えることこそ我が剣の終着…
I share a sword style with Ike, of the Greil Mercenaries... We also shared a master.グレイル傭兵団のアイクと私の剣技は同じ…同じ師から学んだものだ。
I learned the sword from a man I once called master. And now, that man...
No... I have nothing to share.

친구 방문

Are you [Summoner]? Accept this missive from [Friend].貴殿が[召喚師]か。私は[フレンド]の使いだ。この書状を受け取られよ。

레벨 업

To surpass my master... That is my true desire.師を超える。それが我が望み。
My master's blade was stronger... It was swifter...我が師の剣はより強く、速い。


Use my blade as you see fit.我が剣は貴殿のために。

5성 40레벨 달성

I learned the sword from one of my fellow Four Riders, Gawain. He was a general without compare...
I fought my master, and I won. However, by then he had already cast aside his true skill.
This means I have not truly surpassed him.
But defeating one whose strength rivaled his own could be another means of achieving that goal.
I have forever longed for such a battle.
Not everyone would understand such drive, but as one who also lives by battle, I thought that perhaps you...
Well, that is all.





오의 발동

Know your place.身の程をわきまえよ
Will you survive?来ないのか?
Give your all.死力を尽くせ


Can't move...体が…動かん…


Curious as to who I am? You're better off not knowing, or perhaps even asking.…私の素顔? 知らぬ方が身のためだ。
Your method for wresting my attention is...perplexing.? …貴殿の親愛の挨拶にはいささか面食らうな…
This armor I wear is blessed by the goddess.この鎧は女神の祝福を与えられしもの…
Pray that you never make a miscalculation.私の見込み違い…ではないことを願うぞ
Know your strength to know when to exercise discretion.己の腕をわきまえ、時に退くことも知らねばならん
The son of Gawain... Ike... He, now, is my prey.ガウェインの息子…アイクといったか…あれは、私の獲物だ。
I am here to protect you.私は貴殿を守るため、ここにいる。

아군 턴 터치

Here I go.では、参る。

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Nothing will quench my flame.私は止められん
Burn to cinders.燃やし尽くしてやる
Only ash will remain.灰となれ
Not this time.次はどうだ?

패배 - 신장

I am extinguished...炎が消える…か

상태창 - 신장

This armor may have changed, but I have not.外見が変わったところで、私は何も変わらん。
What do you hope to achieve by prodding me?…? 鎧を触って何になるというのだ。
Pit me against any foe you choose. None will be a match for me.いかなる相手であろうが、私の敵ではない。
The measure of a ruler's strength can be taken by their closest aides.側近の力を測れば、おのずと王の実力も知れよう。
The Kingdom of Flame holds power sufficient to draw my interest.ムスペル王国の炎の力か。興味深いものだ。
If he repeats his father's mistakes...お前も父親と同じ愚か者か…?
What do you wish of me? I am focused on one thing only: combat.貴殿は…私に何を求める? 私には返すものがない。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I won't ask again.二度は言わん
Proceeding apace.実行する

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