오거힐의 의적 브리기드/대사


My name is Brigid from the chivalrous Orgahil Pirates. Let's raise the sail and take off!あたしの名前はブリギッド。義賊で鳴らしたオーガヒルの海賊さ!さあ、帆を上げな。出航だよ!

Apparently there's a hero in this castle who looks just like me? I should go and greet them!この城には、あたしによく似た英雄がいるみたいだね…一度挨拶しとこうか!
My crew's a chivalrous bunch! Don't go lumping us in with other pirates. We're different.あたしと仲間たちは義賊で売っている連中さ!ほかの海賊と一緒にしないでおくれよ!
The Orgahil Pirates refuse to take on dishonorable work. Assaulting the innocent would go against our code!オーガヒルの海賊として不義理な仕事はしないよ。カタギを襲うなんてもってのほかさ!
Although gallant, a pirate is a pirate. If I'm caught, I'll be hung, and I've prepared myself for that fate.義賊と言っても海賊は海賊。捕まっちまえば縛り首さ。覚悟のうえでやってんだよ。
My family is my crew. That's because I don't know much about my past before the captain picked me up...あたしの家族は仲間たちさ。おかしらに拾われる前のことはほとんど覚えちゃいないからね…

친구 방문

Brigid of the Orgahil Pirates is here! Want to hear about the pirate festival from [Friend]?あたしはオーガヒルの海賊、ブリギッド![フレンド]から海賊祭りの知らせをもってきたよ!

레벨 업

Did you just see that skill?! What a feat!見たかい、この腕の冴え!手柄は頂いたよ!
Land or sea? I won't lose! Doesn't matter the terrain.海の上だろうが陸の上だろうがあたしは負けやしないよ!
The wind's blowing from the wrong direction...風向きが悪いねぇ…


You're giving this treasure to me? How generous of you!このお宝をくれるのかい?太っ腹だねえ!

5성 40레벨 달성

So, what do you think? Is a bona fide pirate different from what you expected, [Summoner]?
Even though we go by that word, our crew only takes from rich scoundrels. Then we give it all to the needy!
Our moral code is what sets us apart from other pirates on the sea. I take pride in it.
When I see the look of appreciation on the faces of those we help, I know we did the right thing.
And I plan to continue on this path with the rest of my crew as the leader of the Orgahil Pirates!


Got you!捕らえた!


What was that...!?なんだと…!?

오의 발동

Enough out of you!お黙り!
In the name of Orgahil!オーガヒルの名にかけて!
I won't allow it!許さないよ!
You're in for a fight!やられてたまるかい!




My name is Brigid. I command the Orgahil pirates.あたしの名はブリギッド。オーガヒル海賊の頭目さ。
You've got guts. I'll give you that.きゃあっ!? この…あたしをからかうなんていい度胸だね。
I won't prey on the weak. That's where I draw the line.あたしはケチな仕事はしない信条なんだ。
Keeping these ruffians in line is no easy task.荒くれ者どもをまとめるのは骨が折れるよ。
A pirate festival? You do know I'm a real pirate, don't you?祭? 何のことだい? あたしは本物の海賊なんだが…
I recall precious little of my childhood.子供の頃のことは…あまり覚えていないんだ。
You've got a good head on your shoulders. What would you say to joining my crew?あんたは気持ちのいい奴だ。どうだい、あたしたちの仲間にならないか?

아군 턴 터치

Are you serious?からかってるのか?
I'm already there.もう行くからな

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