가면이 수놓는 성야 브루노/대사


My name is of no importance. I am simply an attendee, here to enjoy the winter festival.冬祭りか…いや、名乗るほどの者ではない。ただの参加者だ。

There are surely other Heroes who are better suited to handing out gifts...贈り物を配り歩くのなら俺より適任の英雄がいくらでもいそうな気もするが…
So this is the winter festival of Askr... I remember it well, from the days fore I donned this mask.アスク王国の冬祭りか。思い出がないわけではない。…仮面をかぶる以前の話だ。
This mask isn't a costume for the festival masquerade, but I will allow the children to think what they will.
It is not my place to correct them.
Each gift is met with a smile, and each smile, something precious... That much I can understand.贈り物の向こうに笑顔がある。それがいかに尊いものかは…俺にも理解できるつもりだ。
I must take care not to give someone else the gift I chose for Veronica...ヴェロニカのぶんまで配ってしまわぬように注意せねばな…

친구 방문

My name is— No, I'd better not. Here is a winter-festival gift, from [Friend]. Take it.俺の名は…いや、やめておこう。[フレンド]からの冬の贈り物だ。収めるといい。

레벨 업

Now that I've committed, there's no turning back. We will make this an unforgettable winter festival.やると決めたからには本気だ。忘れられない冬祭りにさせてもらうぞ。
Instead of looking to see behind my mask, why not simply enjoy the winter festivities?俺の正体を探るよりも冬祭りを楽しんではどうだ?
Ugh. All the eyes on me have put me off balance...くっ、注がれる視線に心を乱されてしまうとは…


I know I have caused you concern. I hope my actions from here on will quell any worry.気を遣わせてしまったようだな。無論、この恩義は行動で返す。

5성 40레벨 달성

I've just finished delivering gifts as part of the winter festival.
There is no difference between the snow that falls in the Emblian Empire and the snow here in Askr, I find.
Just as there is no real difference in the kind, warmhearted smiles shared between citizens in each nation...
I ought to take my leave, however. If Alfonse and Sharena were to see me here, it may be troublesome.
...Ah. I see there are still some gifts left to deliver—and gifts for Alfonse and Sharena, no less.
I can only pray I find them already asleep. I'll have to remain on guard until the festival's close, it seems...
…なに? アルフォンスやシャロンに届ける贈り物がまだ残っているだと?





오의 발동

What a festival it is!これが冬祭りだ
The winter's blessing.聖夜の祝福を
A gift. Here!贈り物だ
Hasten your slumber!早く寝ろ


But the gifts...まだ…贈り物が…


Another costume? Is a change of attire really so diverting?またこのような扮装をさせられるとは…何が楽しいのだ?
Huh? Do you mean to seek a gift as well?…!? 何だ、お前も贈り物が欲しいのか?
If the gifts are sufficiently hefty, delivering them could be considered training. In a sense.贈り物を担いで配り歩くことも鍛錬になる、か…
I am not hiding. I am simply waiting for Alfonse to pass.…隠れてなどいない。アルフォンスが通り過ぎるのを待っているだけだ。
Even a fleeting moment of calm is to be valued.かりそめの平穏だとしても、この時間は尊いものだ。
This is for Veronica. In truth, I do not know if she will like it.これはヴェロニカに。喜ぶかは分からないが…
To spend a night so serene with you... I will not soon forget it.お前と過ごしたこの聖夜を…俺は忘れないだろう。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.ああ
Cold indeed.寒いな…
Gifts for all.配達しよう

캐릭터 페이지로