용병 출신의 교사 벨레스/대사


I'm Byleth. I used to be a mercenary, but now I'm a professor. I will help your cause however I can.…ベレスよ。ずっと傭兵をしてきたけど、今は教師の身。やれるだけのことはやるから。

Everyone here has a fighting spirit. In that respect, this place feels much like the Officers Academy.ここにいる皆、良い顔をしている。士官学校での日々を思い出すな。
When I was a mercenary, I rarely got too close to anyone. That all changed when I became a professor.傭兵をしている間は…深く人と関わることが少なかったの。教師になって、大きく変わった。
I can patrol the area if need be. I have experience from my mercenary days, and from watching over my students.見回り…代わろうか? 慣れているから。傭兵時代は哨戒の仕事があったし、教師になってからは生徒たちを見回っているし。
As a professor, I spend most of my time teaching others. But I believe I could learn something from you.教師といえど、いまだ浅学菲才の身。いろいろと教えてほしいな。
I sometimes feel I am grasping for a purpose in life. Perhaps someday I will know what it is.自分の生きる意味が何なのか…深く考えることがあるの。いつか、その答えをこの手に掴みたい。

친구 방문

I'm here to say hello in [Friend]'s stead.[召喚師]、[フレンド]からの挨拶代わりに、顔を見せに来たの。

레벨 업

Such power dwells within?この体に、こんな力が…?
Together we can grow stronger.皆で強くなろう。
I'm not setting a very good example.これじゃ手本にならないな。


A new path to tread.これで新たな道が開けたかな。

5성 40레벨 달성

How long has it been since I was summoned to this world to fight alongside you?
The flow of time brought us together, and now we are bound inextricably. I am your ally, and you are mine.
I have not forgotten the needs of my students. But I have no regrets about my decision to join your cause.
The Sword of the Creator empowers me to sever my doubts—to carve a path through tangles of uncertainty.
With this sword in hand, I will defeat our foes and lead us to victory.





오의 발동

Allow me to demonstrate.導いてみせる!
Let the lesson begin.その身で学んで!
No hesitation.迷いを晴らす!
It's over.これで決める!


I'm sorry... I can't go on.ここで……終わるのね……


Combat, strategy... I learned it all from my father.武芸も、戦術も、すべて父に教わったんだよ
Whether I look it or not, I'm rather surprised.……? いえ、これでもかなり驚いているからね
A proper overcoat offers an extra layer of protection.こうして外套をかけていると、矢除けになるんだよ
My heartbeat is...not what you would expect it to be.昔から、心臓の鼓動が聞こえにくいと言われるね
My mother died shortly after I was born. I can't even recall her face...母は生まれてすぐに亡くなったらしく…顔も知らないの
The flow of time guided me here...時のよすがに導かれて、ここに…?
I will protect all that I hold dear.この手の届くすべてを、守ってみせる

아군 턴 터치

What now?どうする?
Let's move.行こう!

캐릭터 페이지로