패천현조 벨레스/대사
In time’s flow, see the glow of flames ever burning bright... On the swift river’s drift, broken memories alight... When we bring our voices together, we can conquer the very heavens. | 時のよすがに灯る炎――河面にたゆたう、記憶の欠片。皆の声によってこの魂は燃え、天を覇す。 |
These clothes are in an ancient style that matches the ones worn by the progenitor—I mean by Sothis. | これは神祖の……ソティスとお揃いの由緒正しい衣装だよ。 |
The goddess Sothis once dwelt within me. | ソティスは女神。自分と共にある存在だよ。 |
I'm often told I don't show much emotion, but I've never thought of myself as an "Ashen Demon." | 無表情だとはよく言われる。でも【灰色の悪魔】というのは……いや、自称したおぼえはないよ。 |
The Officers Academy made me who I am today. It's all thanks to my wonderful students. | いまの自分があるのは士官学校のあの日々のおかげ。生徒たち皆のおかげ…… |
I'll use this power for the greater good. | この力、皆のために。 |
친구 방문
I hope I'm not intruding. I was asked to come say hello by your friend [Friend]. | 邪魔をするよ。[フレンド]に頼まれて、挨拶に来たんだ。 |
레벨 업
With the goddess! | 女神と共に…… |
Just like that. Stay focused. | この調子だ。焦らず戦おう。 |
I'm not setting a very good example... | いけない。これでは手本にならないね。 |
There is an endless amount of knowledge out there. I hope to never stop learning. | 学ぶべきことは果てしない。多くのことを知り、経験していきたい。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Time's flow... A place where all the possibilities of fate seem to lie, stretching out into infinity. Twisting through time, a glimpse of destiny... What did I see there? What did I know? What did I accomplish? Wearing these clothes puts me in the mood to think about these mysteries. The mystery of power most of all. I don't want to dwell too much on the past. That much is clear. I need to keep moving forward. We cannot accept the status quo. War cannot be the norm. Not in Fódlan, nor in Askr. I know the Heroes of this world feel the same way. And their brave voices inspire me to fight for change. | よすが――寄す処とは、因縁、手懸り、便りなるもの。 時を遡り、捻り、刹那の垣間に――自分は、何を見たのだろう。何を知り、何を果たしたのだろう…… こうして神祖の衣装を身に着けると一層、その不思議を思う気持ちが強くなる。この力を、どう用いるべきなのかと。 ただ、真っすぐに生きていきたい。それだけははっきりしてる。それが皆と見出した、自分の答え―― 戦乱が当たり前の世界でいいはずはないし、そこにはフォドラもアスクもない。この城に集った英雄たちの志も同じ。 道に迷ったときは、いつだってこの胸に皆の声が響く――魂が炎となって燃える。新たな時代を、共に切り開こう! |
- | たあっ |
- | でやあっ |
- | きゃっ |
- | いけない… |
오의 발동
With the goddess! | 女神と共に… |
You go no further! | ここで止める! |
Have faith! | 信じて! |
Stay where you are! | 近づかないで! |
Forgive me, everyone... | ごめん…みんな… |
- | ふふ… |
This garb matches that of Sothis. | この衣装はソティスとお揃いなんだ。 |
Hm? Your hand is cold. Are you well? | ……? 手が冷たいね。寒いの? |
I heard countless voices calling me here...though their origin remains a mystery to me. | 大勢の人に呼ばれた気がして…気のせいかもしれないけど。 |
It's not that I feel embarrassed, but... Is it appropriate to hold class in this attire? | 恥ずかしくはないけど、この格好で授業してもいいのかな… |
The goddess Sothis once dwelled within me. I understand if that is hard to believe. | 女神ソティスは心の中にいたんだ。信じてくれる? |
Could this be where the flow of time has guided me next on my journey? | 時のよすがの導きなのかな、これも… |
Let us continue working together to build a better world. | 一緒によりよい世界を作っていこう。 |
아군 턴 터치
Good idea. | そうだね |
Hmm... | うーん… |
I go with conviction. | 任せて |