행복한 왕녀 셀린/대사


I am Céline, princess of Firene. In the fight for peace, I will bring to bear all the luck and strength I am able.フィレネ王国第一王女、セリーヌよ。平和のために戦うというのなら、幸運をもたらせるよう力を尽くすわ。

Many of the Heroes who preceded me here are the dignified sort.
But there are also many who appear to be quite strong... My brother is sure to be pleased by that.
My country is both beautiful and peaceful. My duty is to understand what sacrifices maintain it as such.わたしの国は、美しく平和な国だった…そう在る為に、どれだけの犠牲があったのかわたしには理解する責務があるわ。
Would you care to join me for tea? I have some here with me... Just a drop of honey makes it truly superb.良かったら一緒にお茶でも如何かしら。少しだけ、持ってきた茶葉があるの。蜂蜜を一匙入れると絶品なのよ。
There is some time before our next battle, so I hope to use it to find some small joys here.
Are there four-leafed clovers in this world, by chance?
Would you be so kind as to show me to the library? I would like to learn more about Askr while I'm here.宜しければ書庫に案内してくださらない?折角来たのだもの、アスク王国について色々と情報を仕入れておきたいわ。

친구 방문

Hello, my name is Céline. I have the joyful task of delivering greetings from [Friend].こんにちは、わたしはセリーヌと申します。[フレンド]さんから、ご挨拶の品を届けに参りました。

레벨 업

Such joys can be overwhelming, but I am grateful for them all the same.大きすぎる幸せは怖いけれど、素直に喜んでおきましょう。
Wonderful. This is the strength I have hoped to develop as princess.これでいいわ。王女として、力を望んだ結果だもの。
Next time, I will seek to gain the strength I need in the fight for peace.次こそは、平和のために戦える力を…


It feels as if my heart is all abloom... I will not disappoint the faith you've placed in me.心に花が咲いたような気持ちよ。あなたの期待には必ず応えるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm so glad you agreed to join me for tea, [Summoner].
It's always a joy when we're able to spend time together like this.
You know, there is something about you that reminds me of the Divine Dragon...
Perhaps it is your divine weapon, and your power to summon Heroes into the world.
Whatever the reason may be, I feel I can trust you completely—which is a rare thing indeed.
A peaceful kingdom like Firene is at risk if it allows itself to be taken advantage of.
For that reason, I am cautious when it comes to those who hail from other countries, but with you...
Well, I hope you don't mind, but it would bring me joy to think of you as my ally—and close friend. Heh heh...





오의 발동

It's teatime!ティータイムよ
You need pruning!咲き誇るわ
Isn't this your lucky day?幸福な方ね
I will do what I must.こうすると決めたの


I was so happy…幸せ…だったわ…


You have much in common with both the Emblems and the Divine Dragon. Quite the mystery, you are.あなたは不思議だわ、紋章士にも、神竜様にも似ているだなんて。
Oh, would you like to have tea? Very well, what shall we brew today?あら、お茶のお誘いなら喜んで。この地ではどんな茶葉を楽しめるのかしら。
Tell me more about the Order of Heroes. What are some of your guiding principles?特務機関について、お話を伺いたいわ。どんな理想を持って戦っているの?
I hope that my aid can bring happiness to this land.手を貸すからには、あなた方にとっての幸福を届けたいと思っているわ。
All of these Heroes… This castle is a riot of flowers in bloom. How delightful!この地にいる英雄たちは、色とりどりの花のようで美しいわね。
In truth, I do miss Elyos. But I will do what I must for Askr while I am here.エレオスを離れて心細いけれど…平和のためにすべきことは変わらないわ。
Your happiness must stem from all the wonderful friends that surround you. I hope I may count myself among them.あなたが幸せそうに見えるのは、きっと素晴らしい仲間に囲まれているおかげね。わたしもその一人になれるよう、精いっぱい努めるつもりよ。

아군 턴 터치

Power blooms in me.花は美しく
My will is firm.覚悟はあるわ

캐릭터 페이지로