전승의 사랑의 왕비 시다/대사
I am Caeda. Lor—excuse me, that is KING Marth's...queen. I'm still not used to introducing myself like this... | わたしはシーダ。マルス様の……妃です。ああ、照れてしまう…まだ慣れないわ。 |
Sunrises are just as beautiful in this world as my own. Bathing in the light refreshes the spirit. | この世界でも朝陽の光は素敵なものね。光を浴びると、心が新しくなるようだわ。 |
Archanea saw continuous wars that spread a dreary sadness across the land... I hope this world, too, can escape that fate. | アカネイア大陸では戦乱の時代が続き、多くの人々は疲れ、哀しみの中にありました。この世界も早く平穏になりますように…… |
You need not worry yourself over me. I may not look it, but I've seen more than my share of war. | ふふふ、これくらい平気。こう見えてもわたし、戦い慣れているの。 |
Even after his ascension, I still pour tea for Marth. It's a task I have difficulty letting anyone else enjoy. | 国王になられたあとも、マルス様のお茶はわたしが淹れているの。これだけは誰にも譲るわけにいかないわ。 |
If only people could live in harmony instead of constant competition against one another... That is the kind of world I dream of. | 人々が争い、戦い合うよりも愛情に生きることが出来れば……わたしはそんな世界を夢見ています。 |
친구 방문
You have a lovely castle. Praises from [Friend]! | すてきなお城ですね。[フレンド]が褒めるわけだわ。 |
레벨 업
To return to a more peaceful age, we must recognize that fighting creates only strife... | 相争うことの空しさを互いに認め、無垢の心で愛しあえる日々がすべての人々に訪れますように…… |
As you offer me no choice, I will not give up. | いまは、こうするしかないとしても。 |
What's come over me? | ああ、妙な寒気が… |
Oh my! Thank you so much. I will do my best to use it well in your name. | まあ、ありがとうございます。引き続きがんばりましょうね。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Is there someone you love? Someone you would fight and die for, [Summoner]? ...Strange, I almost feel as if we've had a conversation like this before. But that couldn't have been you... I'm sorry, where was I? Oh right... When I met Marth, I wanted to help and support him however I could. But in reality, it was a selfish wish. I wanted to be near to someone like him, who made me feel safe. He was gentle, noble, and adored by all—and he believed in me. So, I gave everything I am to help his cause. That is how I gave him my love. If everyone in the world could be true to one another...think of what we could accomplish. That is why we continue to fight, even now. We'll keep up the fight to create a better world for as long as it takes! | [召喚師]。あなたには愛する人がいますか。愛のために戦っていますか。 わたし、以前もどこかで同じようなことをあなたに似た人に語ったような……ううん、あれもきっとあなただったのね。 わたしはマルス様と出会い、あの人を助けたい、支えたいと思っていた。でもその願いは、自分のことだったの。 マルス様にわたしと一緒にいてほしい、こんな人に守ってほしいと思った……。優しくて、気高くて、誰もが慕うあの人に。 だからわたしも、信じてくれる人には全力で、全身で応えたいと思ったの。それがわたしの、マルス様への愛。 そんな誠実さを世界のみんながもてたら……ね、素敵でしょう。マルス様はそのために今も戦い続けてる。 だから追いかけ続けないといけないの。[召喚師]も一緒に来て。愛する心を忘れない世界をつくるために。 |
えいっ | |
どうです? |
ああっ… | |
いけない… |
오의 발동
Love conquers all! | 愛の力で… |
I won't surrender! | わたしは負けない! |
I believe! | 信じています |
My condolences... | ごめんなさい… |
Too soon for goodbyes... | さよならは…いや… |
え? | |
I never expected to become a Legendary Hero. I'm a little overwhelmed, to be honest. | わたしが伝承の英雄だなんて…どうしたらいいのかしら。 |
Ah! Oh, it's you. What are you up to, exactly? | きゃっ…! またあなたね。もう、いたずら好きなんだから。 |
I grew up in a small island kingdom. My horizons have broadened considerably since those days. | 小さな島で育ったわたしが、こんな大きな世界で戦っているなんて… |
So long as people put their trust in me, I must do all I can to succeed. | わたしを信じてくれる人がいるのなら、応えたいと思うわ。 |
I truly believe that we are all capable of coming together in mutual love and respect. | きっといつか、みんなが愛を信じて手を取り合える日が来るわよね… |
I think I've come a little bit closer to understanding how Marth must feel. | 少し、マルス様に近づけたような気がするわ… |
As a Hero, I aspire to give hope and comfort to those I protect. | あなたの、身も心も守れるような、そんな英雄になりたいの。 |
아군 턴 터치
Naturally. | もちろんよ |
Ooh, that's tough. | 迷うわ… |
Leave it to me. | 私に任せて |