타리스의 신부 시다/대사


I am Princess Caeda of Talys. I was daydreaming about wearing a bridal gown just like this one...and then...わたしはタリスの王女シーダ。いつか、このドレスが似合う素敵な花嫁になれたらなって…

What do I want out of my marriage? It's simple. I'd be happiest knowing my husband is safe and sound.理想の結婚生活…?わたしは、旦那様が無事でいてくれたらそれが一番幸せよ。
Tell me. Do you believe in love? Do you have someone special out there, [Summoner]?[召喚師]、あなたは愛を信じる?あなたには愛する人がいる?
I've heard that the secret to a happy marriage is consideration. Always show your partner that you care.良い夫婦になれる秘訣は、お互いの感謝の気持ちなんですって。相手を思うって、大切なことね。
I have some experience fighting infantry battles without my pegasus. Not dressed like this, of course...ペガサスに乗らずに地上で戦うのは、前にも経験があるのよ。さすがにこの格好ではなかったけど…
This dress fits me perfectly. Somehow...I can't help but smile while wearing it.このドレスのサイズ、わたしにぴったりみたい。ふふ、なんだか嬉しくなってしまうわ。

친구 방문

Hello! I bring wishes for your health and happiness, sent warmly by [Friend].[フレンド]からあなたに挨拶よ。あなたに幸せが訪れますように。

레벨 업

Do you think I'll make a good match?わたし、良い奥さんになれるかしら?
We learn each and every day... In battle, and in marriage, too.花嫁修業も戦いも、日々の積み重ねが大切ね。
I'm so sorry!まあ、ごめんなさい…


I owe you much for your kindness.ありがとう。これから、お礼をさせてもらうわね。

5성 40레벨 달성

What does love mean to you? Tell me, [Summoner].
As long as the person I love is safe and happy... That's really all that matters to me.
Wearing this dress got me thinking, though. When they wed, two people vow to make each other happy.
If I were to die... I'm sure that the person I love would be sad. I wonder... Is that what love is?
Love isn't as simple as it seems. And I'm sure we all feel it differently...
What does love mean to you? Please, if you would, share your thoughts with me.


Here I go!行きます!


My dress!ドレスが…

오의 발동

May love triumph!愛の力ね
Away from my bouquet!この花のように
I believe in love!愛する人がいますか?
I've waited for this!ずっと待ってたの


My flowers...お花が…散ってしまうわ…


Tell me—how do I look?どう? 似合ってるかしら?
I know it's silly to fuss...but I do want my tresses to impress on my big day.きゃあっ…え、風で髪が乱れちゃった?
I've adored dresses like this ever since I was a child.子供の頃から、こういうドレスに憧れてたの。
I wonder where the perfect place to hold a wedding is around here!結婚式はどんな所がいいかしら?
There is nothing more beautiful than two people pledging their love to one another.二人で愛を誓うって、とっても素敵なことね
I vow that if our lives are put in grave peril, I will be the one to fall. Not you.もし命を召されるなら、わたしをかわりに…
I know this is all just for fun, but someday...? Well, a girl can dream, can't she?いつか、わたしもこんなふうに…う、ううん! なんでもないの。

아군 턴 터치

If only...二人は永遠に…
Ah, love.幸せにしてください

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