타리스의 왕녀 시다/대사


I am Princess Caeda of Talys. I'm also a pegasus knight, though perhaps an unconventional one.わたしはタリスの王女シーダ。あっ、こう見えても天馬騎士でもあるのよ。

Ah, good day to you! Perchance, have you seen Prince Marth anywhere?あっ、こんにちは。マルス様を見かけなかった?
Though I am a princess, my home, Talys, is but an island kingdom. So my standing isn't all that grand.いちおう王女ではあるけど、タリスは小さな島国だから…そんな大層なものじゃないわ。
You always seem so busy—please let me know if there's any way I can be of assistance.いつも忙しくて大変そう…わたしがお手伝いできることがあったらなんでも言ってね?
We may have so many enemies today, but I'm sure that given half a chance? They'll become allies.今は敵側にいる人たちとも、いつかきっと仲良くなれるわ。そうなったらとても幸せだと思わない?
I've just finished making a stew. Would you like to try some while it's hot?ふふっ、お料理はけっこう得意なの。あったかいシチュー、良かったら一口いかが?

친구 방문

Do you know who speaks very well of you—and bid me to greet you? It was [Friend]![フレンド]からあなたに挨拶を頼まれたの。あなたは大切な友達だから、って。

레벨 업

I can feel myself growing stronger!わたしだって…これくらい強くなれるんだから!
Ah! I can now be of greater assistance.これで、もっとお役に立てるかしら?
I'm sorry. It seems I'm not performing well today...ごめんなさい。今日は調子が良くないみたい…


I will use this new power to help everyone.この新しい力…きっと役立ててみせるわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Your strength has always impressed me. I've always felt weak, needing protection from others.
I was envious of your strength, but I think I've got it figured out now...
Your strength comes from your belief in your allies. My "weakness" could be your strength.
I would like to stay with you longer and learn more from you and your strength, if that's OK.
Heehee! I appreciate it. I look forward to observing you right up close...




I won't...lose...負けたりなんか…

오의 발동

Throw down your weapon!武器を捨てて!
Please, clear the way!お願いどいて!
I'll do my part!わたしだって
I don't want to hurt you!傷つけたくないの!


Too weak...だめ…なの…?


What's the matter? Can I help?どうしたの? 何か御用?
Ahh! Don't startle me like that!きゃっ…もう、からかわないで。
You seem to be a very kindhearted person.とっても優しい人ね、あなたは
Tell me—do you believe in love?あなたは愛を信じますか?
I'm so glad we have a chance to talk! It's always a pleasure.お話できてうれしいわ
Would you consider me a "tomboy"?私、お転婆なのかしら…?
Let us fight side by side forever.これからも、傍にいて。

아군 턴 터치

What next?どうしようかしら?
Let's go.行きましょう

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I act for everyone's sake!みんなのために…
Do you feel a chill?凍えさせてあげる
You have my protection!守りたいの
I won't back down!絶対負けない!

패배 - 신장

Shattered like ice...砕けてしまう…

상태창 - 신장

This outfit is from Nifl. Isn't it just lovely?素敵でしょう? ニフル王国の衣装なの。
Eek! *sigh* You never change, do you?きゃあっ! …あなたね。もう、相変わらずなんだから…
The detailing on this is so delicate... Nifl must be quite a place, don't you think?とても繊細な衣装よね。ニフル王国ってどんなところなのかしら。
Does cold weather trouble you? I have to admit...it's not my favorite either.寒いのは平気? 私は…少し苦手かも。
This outfit is certainly a change of pace for me. I feel refreshed and ready to go! Is there anything I can do to help out?何だかやる気がわいてくるみたい。もっとあなたの役に立ちたいわ。
I wonder what Marth will think of these clothes. There's only one way to find out!マルスさまに見せたらなんておっしゃるかしら?
Let's go seek out a picture-perfect winter landscape together, a vista peaceful and still.あなたと一緒に、どこまでも広がる雪景色を見てみたい…

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

This way.こっちね
Getting colder…寒くはない?

캐릭터 페이지로