호목석 케세르다/대사


Ah-haha! I'm Caellach, and I will be king one day! Stick with me, and I'll see you get yours.ふっはっはっ!俺はケセルダ、王になる男だ!悪いようにはしねえ、俺についてこい!

Yeah, I've smashed a few Sacred Stones. Lot of fuss over something so fragile.いくつか【聖石】ってのをぶっ壊したがご大層に飾ってあるわりにゃ、ずいぶんと脆いもんだったぜ。
I like this world. No shortage of battles here! Climbing the ranks through war suits me perfectly.この世界はいいねえ、戦いに満ちてる。腕一本でのし上がれるってのは、俺の性に合ってるぜ。
I like this castle. It'd make a suitable palace when I take over, wouldn't it? Oh, don't get incensed. Only kidding.この城、気に入ったぜ。俺の王宮にふさわしいと思わねえか?そうカッカすんなよ、冗談だ…冗談。
Do you want a job when you're done summoning for Askr? If I had you with me, no one could stop us.本当に、俺の下につく気はねえか?お前さえ一緒に来てくれれば、この世界に敵はねえとすら思ってる。
Let me give you a little advice... When you're across the table from someone, watch both their hands.ひとつ忠告しておいてやるか。相手とサシで飲む時は、両手をよく見ておけ。どこに武器を隠しているかわからねえぞ?

친구 방문

You're the [Summoner] [Friend] spoke of? Huh. All right.[フレンド]が言ってた[召喚師]ってのはあんたか。…覚えておくぜ。

레벨 업

You're just another stepping-stone on my way to the throne!お前らを踏み台にして、俺はこの手に男の夢をつかむ!王になるのさ!
Well done. Now, is there something you want from me?お前はよくやったよ。遺言があれば聞いてやるぜ?
Wait, that's all? Hang on a second!ん……?仕止めそこなってたか。そこを動くんじゃねえぞ……!


Good, good. With this, I could...yes... Don't worry, I don't have any plans. Not yet.こいつはいいねえ。これがありゃあ……そうカッカすんな、何も企んじゃいねえよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

It's been long enough. Are you ready to join me? ...I suppose you still have business here—but the offer stands!
You may not understand it, but I have a vision for myself! I was born a man in this world, and that means...
Like all men, my dream is to be king! And I'll do whatever it takes to make that dream come true.
Y'know... You could always abandon this place and join forces with me.
And do what? It's obvious, isn't it! We'd conquer! It won't be easy, but with you by my side, we can do it!


I'll bring you down.仕留めてやる



오의 발동

Well, so long.じゃ、あばよ
So feeble.冴えねえな
Don't take it personally.悪く思うなよ
I'm moving up.俺は上へ行く


One step from the throne...あとちょっとで…王座に…


The name's Caellach, but some call me the Tiger Eye. I fought in the desert as a mercenary.ケセルダ。砂漠の傭兵あがりだ。【虎目石】ってのが俺の名らしい。
What's the big idea? Looking for a fight?おおっ!? 何しやがる。喧嘩売ってんのか?
Hah! So that hunk of rock is a Sacred Stone, eh? Seems kind of fragile...はっ! あの石ころが【聖石】ねえ…ずいぶんと脆いもんだぜ。
I'm sick to death of living like a desert rat. I'm going to be a king one day.砂にまみれた傭兵人生なんて、もううんざりだぜ。俺は王になる。
I'm not like that freak Valter. I'm kind to women.俺はヴァルターの下衆野郎と違って女には優しいんだぜ?
My palace... Oh, how I do like the sound of that.俺の王宮…か。いいねえ、たまんねえぜ。
I like you. You've got guts.気に入ったよ。あんた、大したタマだぜ。

아군 턴 터치

Whatever you say.わあってるよ。
Not that I care, but...どうでもいいがな
Follow me.ついてきな

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