요염한 꽃 카밀라/대사


I'm Camilla, eldest princess from the Kingdom of Nohr. Need my protection, sweetie? Consider me yours.暗夜王国第一王女、カミラよ。可愛い子…私を必要としてくれたの?あなたは私が守ってあげるわ。

I can sympathize with the enemy's desire to snatch up so many Heroes.
Sometimes when you're lonely, it helps to find the one thing that stokes your fire—and then feed it!
My retainers, Beruka and Selena, are adorable—and deadly too. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!私の臣下はベルカとルーナというの。二人とも強くて可愛い、私のお気に入りよ。あなたも好きになってくれると嬉しいわ。
How sweet of you to look in on me. If ever you get tired after battle, come rest your weary head in my lap.私を気にかけてくれるなんて優しい子…見回りもいいけど、疲れたら私に言うのよ。膝枕をして、思い切り甘やかしてあげる。
The scenery outside is stunning. You and I should go strolling. I'd love to find out all about your favorite places.この世界の景色は素晴らしいわね。今度、一緒に出かけない?あなたの好きな場所を私に教えて欲しいの。
Let's watch out for each other. You know what they say: I'll wash your back if you'll wash mine!今ちょうど、お風呂に入ってきたところなの。あなたも入るなら、背中を流しましょうか?あらあら…照れちゃって、可愛いわね。

친구 방문

Well, well... So you must be [Summoner].
I'm a touch jealous. I was sent to present you with a fond hello from [Friend].

레벨 업

Now I'll really turn heads in battle.胸がきつくなっちゃったわ。
Oh! That felt good.うふふ。素敵…
Shame on me!あらあら…ごめんなさいね。


What's this? You must be growing fonder of me.どうかしら?前よりもあなた好みになった?

5성 40레벨 달성

Why, if it isn't the one in this whole group who makes me shiver in delight. You, [Summoner]!
I mean, that adorable face. What sort of meanie would think of hurting one hair on your sweet head!
And that weapon of yours! It leaves you totally defenseless. That makes me want to just squeeze you to death!
You can count on your favorite, Camilla, to take care of all of your enemies.
Now, whether I feel that way because you're the summoner and I'm a Hero...then so be it.
I'm in favor of anything that brings us together, even if for a short time. I adore you completely!





오의 발동

Time to play!可愛がってあげる
Say night-night!こら、駄目よ?
Sweet dreams.しょうがない子…
You've been naughty.お仕置きよ


Don't forget me!仕方ない…わね……


Oh? Did you need me? I'm always here for you.まあ、私に用かしら?
Weary, friend? You may always rest your head in my lap.膝枕でもしてあげましょうか
Where are the royal baths here? A girl gets dirty in battle.汗をかいてしまったわ…お風呂に入りたいわね
I'm yours to command. I'll slay anyone for you.戦場ではあなたの指示通り、誰でも殺してあげるわ
Need I worry for you, my sweet? I do hope all is well.あの子は大丈夫かしら…つい心配してしまうわ。
Where are Beruka and Selena, my darling retainers?ベルカとルーナはいる? 私の可愛い臣下たちなの
Aren't you adorable? So like my favorite sibling. Why don't you think of me as your big sister?あなた、可愛いわね…私の愛するあの子にそっくり。私をお姉ちゃんだと思って、いつでも甘えていいのよ?

아군 턴 터치

Of course.わかったわ
All right.大丈夫よ

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