이문화 교류중 카밀라/대사


I'm Camilla, Princess of Nohr. But this year we're celebrating New Year's with some Hoshidan flair!暗夜王国の王女、カミラよ。今年は白夜式に新年を祝っているの。あけましておめでとう。

I didn't think I'd like this kimono at first, but the white makes me look like I belong in the Order of Heroes.
Camilla, reporting for duty, Commander! Heehee, just practicing...
We were celebrating the new year in kimono as a symbol of friendship with Hoshido.
It's important to understand each other's cultures if you want to get along.
It's important to take your duties seriously, but it's New Year's! You must take some time to relax, dear.
I was hoping to have time to get to know you better.
Be a dear and help me adjust my sash, will you? Huh? Oh, what are you blushing for?あらたいへん、着崩れてきてしまったわ。悪いけれど直すのを手伝ってくれない?ふふ…そんなに照れなくてもいいのよ。
Admiring my weapon? It's called a kadomatsu. Technically it's a decoration, but...
Well, the tip is so sharp, it simply seemed inefficient to not use it as a weapon!

친구 방문

I've come with a greeting for the new year! Now, promise you'll be a good friend to [Friend].うふふ…新年の挨拶に来たわよ。今年も[フレンド]と仲良くしてあげてちょうだいね。

레벨 업

This year is bound to be filled with wonderful things.新年はいいことがたくさんあるわね。
This year is sure to be different from the last.今年の私は一味違うわよ。
Perhaps I'll take a more relaxed approach to this year...今年はのんびり行きましょうか…


New power for a new year. Heehee... Thank you.新しい年に相応しい力ね。嬉しいわ、[召喚師]。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ahh, [Summoner]! Are you enjoying the new year?
We may come from different cultures, but spending the new year with family seems to be common all around.
And yet, I realize you have no family of your own here to spend it with.
I was worried you might be feeling lonely. So, if there's ever anything I can do, don't hesitate to tell me.
After all, you and I are practically family by now, aren't we? Maybe I should start tucking you in at night.
That may even help ensure our first dreams of the new year are of each other! Wouldn't that be lovely?
My New Year's wish is to be closer to you than any other Hero. Do you think you can help make it come true?


How about this?どうかしら


Oh my...あらまあ…

오의 발동

Happy New Year!ハッピーニューイヤー
Let's celebrate!お祝いしましょ
Bad form!はしたないかしら?
Let's ring in the New Year!いいお正月ね


My outfit...!着物が台無しだわ…


Here we are! The New Year—and aren't we just adorable!新年のあなたも素敵よ
I wanted to dress for the occasion. Like it?これは晴れ着というのよ、似合うかしら?
It's a Hoshidan kimono. Quite sensual, don't you think?白夜王国の着物は色鮮やかで素敵ね
Who were you with for the New Year's countdown?あなたは誰と年越しをしたの? そう…なんだか妬けちゃうわね
This kimono isn't quite...tailored for me.ふう…胸の辺りがちょっときついわ、帯を緩めてくれる?
I should dress my retainers in kimonos too!私の可愛い臣下たちにも、晴れ着を着せてあげたいわ
We should spend the New Year together every year, darling.また来年もこうして一緒に新年を迎えましょう。ふふ…私とあなたとの、約束よ?

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行きましょ
Best wishes.おめでとう

캐릭터 페이지로