싸움을 좋아하는 열혈파 카스파르/대사
The name's Caspar! I'm raring to go, just point me towards the enemy! | オレはカスパル!早く暴れたくてうずうずしてんだ!ブチかましてやるぜ! |
My father came by during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. He was talking to Edelgard... I wonder what about. | 鷲獅子戦の時、親父が挨拶に来てたんだ。エーデルガルトと何か話してたんだよなあ。何だったんだろ……気になるぜ。 |
At the academy, they would hold a mock battle called the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. Pretty cool, huh? | オレのいた士官学校じゃ、グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦っていう名前の学級対抗戦があったんだ。 |
Everything tastes good on an empty stomach, but some things I'd never order on my own. Don't you agree? | 腹が減ってりゃ何でもうまいけど、自分じゃ絶対に頼まねえもんってあるよな…[召喚師]にもあるよな? |
I wanna blast through battle, cutting my enemies down left and right to secure victory! | やっぱ男なら、ドカンと一発、敵を吹っ飛ばして勝ちてえ! |
Time for some more training... I gotta get better if I expect to get anywhere in this world. | 今日も訓練、訓練っと……オレは武でしか身を立てられねえからな。 |
친구 방문
Hey, are there any training partners around here? Oh! The name's Caspar. Sorry for barging in on you! | ちょっと邪魔するぜ、とおっ!オレはカスパル!歓迎訓練の相手はどこだ!? |
레벨 업
It's up to me to cut a path to my own future! You'll see, Professor! | オレの未来はオレが切り拓く。見ていてくれよ、先生! |
Always happy to fight! | おっしゃあ!喧嘩なら受けて立つぜ! |
I'm just gettin' started! Don't count me out. | オレはまだまだ強くなれる!……よな? |
Heheh! Let's send some enemies flying! | いい感じじゃねえか!さっそく敵をブッ飛ばしに行こうぜ! |
5성 40레벨 달성
My father led the Empire's army that fended off the invaders from Dagda and Brigid. Yeah... There's no way I wanna be on his bad side. My father may be the Minister of Military Affairs and a part of the six great noble families, but... My brother is the heir, and with so many mouths to feed in our family, I can't count on any support. I pretty much have to make it on my own, you know? My aim is to one day surpass my father, Leopold von Bergliez... A tall order, but I'm up for it! I've got no problem being on the front lines, so send me to battle! If it's you giving orders, I'll be fired up! | オレの親父は帝国が誇る軍務卿なんだぜ。ダグザとブリギットの連合軍が帝国へ侵入してきた時―― オレの親父は軍を率いて迎え撃ち、上陸した連合軍の奴らを残らずぶっ潰した!……絶対に親父を敵に回したくはねえな。 まあ、軍務卿だ六大貴族だといっても領地は兄貴が継ぐし、親戚筋も多い。独立しようにも何が貰えるかわからねえ。 だったら己の腕一本で、何かを成さなきゃならねえだろ? いつの日か、親父、レオポルト=フォン=ベルグリーズを超え………志はそれくらい高くねえとな! だから、次の戦いでもオレを使ってくれ!前線でも問題ねえぜ、あんたの指示なら心も身体も、奮い立つ気がするからな! |
- | でいっ |
- | おりゃっ |
- | ぶわっ |
- | うわあっ |
오의 발동
This'll do it! | これで決着かあ!? |
I'll send you flying! | そら、ぶっ飛べ! |
Here we go! | 来た来た来たああーっ! |
Don't try and stop me! | オレの邪魔すんなああ! |
Not me. Never me... | 負けかよ…ちくしょうー! |
- | ふっ |
The name's Caspar, by the way. Pleased to meet ya! | オレはカスパルってんだ。よろしくな! |
Hey now! Don't sneak up on me like that! | おわああっ!? びっくりさせんなよ!! |
Sure, I'm a noble, but I'm also a second son. It's up to me to cut my own path! | オレは貴族の次男だから、この腕で道を切り拓くしかねえんだ。 |
Out there on the battlefield, all you can do is quit worrying and try your best! | 失敗なんて恐れないで、何でも全力でやるのが一番だぜ! |
If we're gonna uphold justice, then we gotta stop evil. Simple as that. | 悪は倒す! それこそが真の…正義! |
Edelgard's always got a whole lot to say about her grand plans for the future... | エーデルガルトって何でもすぐ壮大な話にしたがるんだよな… |
I believe in justice, and I want to help you achieve it. Just point me in the right direction! | あんたの正義を、オレが実現させてやる! |
아군 턴 터치
All right! | おっしゃあ! |
How 'bout this? | これでどうだ |
Raring to go! | オレだって! |