싸움을 좋아하는 열혈파 카스파르/대사


The name's Caspar! I'm raring to go, just point me towards the enemy!オレはカスパル!早く暴れたくてうずうずしてんだ!ブチかましてやるぜ!

My father came by during the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. He was talking to Edelgard... I wonder what about.鷲獅子戦の時、親父が挨拶に来てたんだ。エーデルガルトと何か話してたんだよなあ。何だったんだろ……気になるぜ。
At the academy, they would hold a mock battle called the Battle of the Eagle and Lion. Pretty cool, huh?オレのいた士官学校じゃ、グロンダーズ鷲獅子戦っていう名前の学級対抗戦があったんだ。
Everything tastes good on an empty stomach, but some things I'd never order on my own. Don't you agree?腹が減ってりゃ何でもうまいけど、自分じゃ絶対に頼まねえもんってあるよな…[召喚師]にもあるよな?
I wanna blast through battle, cutting my enemies down left and right to secure victory!やっぱ男なら、ドカンと一発、敵を吹っ飛ばして勝ちてえ!
Time for some more training... I gotta get better if I expect to get anywhere in this world.今日も訓練、訓練っと……オレは武でしか身を立てられねえからな。

친구 방문

Hey, are there any training partners around here? Oh! The name's Caspar. Sorry for barging in on you!ちょっと邪魔するぜ、とおっ!オレはカスパル!歓迎訓練の相手はどこだ!?

레벨 업

It's up to me to cut a path to my own future! You'll see, Professor!オレの未来はオレが切り拓く。見ていてくれよ、先生!
Always happy to fight!おっしゃあ!喧嘩なら受けて立つぜ!
I'm just gettin' started! Don't count me out.オレはまだまだ強くなれる!……よな?


Heheh! Let's send some enemies flying!いい感じじゃねえか!さっそく敵をブッ飛ばしに行こうぜ!

5성 40레벨 달성

My father led the Empire's army that fended off the invaders from Dagda and Brigid.
Yeah... There's no way I wanna be on his bad side.
My father may be the Minister of Military Affairs and a part of the six great noble families, but...
My brother is the heir, and with so many mouths to feed in our family, I can't count on any support.
I pretty much have to make it on my own, you know?
My aim is to one day surpass my father, Leopold von Bergliez... A tall order, but I'm up for it!
I've got no problem being on the front lines, so send me to battle! If it's you giving orders, I'll be fired up!





오의 발동

This'll do it!これで決着かあ!?
I'll send you flying!そら、ぶっ飛べ!
Here we go!来た来た来たああーっ!
Don't try and stop me!オレの邪魔すんなああ!


Not me. Never me...負けかよ…ちくしょうー!


The name's Caspar, by the way. Pleased to meet ya!オレはカスパルってんだ。よろしくな!
Hey now! Don't sneak up on me like that!おわああっ!? びっくりさせんなよ!!
Sure, I'm a noble, but I'm also a second son. It's up to me to cut my own path!オレは貴族の次男だから、この腕で道を切り拓くしかねえんだ。
Out there on the battlefield, all you can do is quit worrying and try your best!失敗なんて恐れないで、何でも全力でやるのが一番だぜ!
If we're gonna uphold justice, then we gotta stop evil. Simple as that.悪は倒す! それこそが真の…正義!
Edelgard's always got a whole lot to say about her grand plans for the future...エーデルガルトって何でもすぐ壮大な話にしたがるんだよな…
I believe in justice, and I want to help you achieve it. Just point me in the right direction!あんたの正義を、オレが実現させてやる!

아군 턴 터치

All right!おっしゃあ!
How 'bout this?これでどうだ
Raring to go!オレだって!

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