타리스의 사냥꾼 카심/대사


My name is Castor. I'm a hunter from Talys. I need money to buy medicine for my poor, sick mother!カシムです……タリスで猟師やってます。病気の母に薬を買うために、お金が要るんです……!

Mother, I'm so ashamed. I haven't any money to send you right now.母さん……仕送りできなくてゴメン。
I owe much to Prince Marth of Altea.アリティアのマルス王子はぼくの恩人なんです。
Well, you see, I um... I don't have any money to live off of, so...あっ、あの…生活費がなくて……
I should have expected no less than genuine kindness from Heroes. Think of all the medicine I can buy now.さすが英雄と呼ばれる人たちだ……心から優しい方が多くて薬代も貯まってきました。
Talys is a small island. I wasn't a very successful hunter there, so I decided to try my hand at mercenary work.タリスって小さな島で猟師といっても稼げなくて。それで傭兵にでもなろうかって…

친구 방문

My mother is a kind person... Oh, you are also very kind, or so [Friend] always says![フレンド]さんが[召喚師]さんはとてもお優しい方だと……!

레벨 업

I couldn't make much money in Talys, so I came all the way out here to try my luck someplace new.タリスじゃ稼げないもんですから…こんなところまで出稼ぎに来てるんです。
My mother's sick, and...well, that's obviously why I need money.母が病気で…お金が必要なんです…
Please forgive me. I need to stay here and make money. It's important.どうか許してください。ぼくにはどうしてもお金が要るのです…


I can hardly believe how kind you're being to someone like me... I know! I will offer up my life for you!ぼくみたいな男に優しくしてくださるなんて…ぼくは、あなたにこの命を捧げます!

5성 40레벨 달성

What am I going to do? Oh, whatever in the world am I going to do?
*sniffle* I hate to put my burdens on you, but my mother is sick and I need money to buy her medicine.
I... What? You know that? I've told you about it several times already? R-really? Are you sure?
N-no... It's the truth. My mother is sick and I do need money to pay for her medicine.
I know what people say about me behind my back. They call me the conman from Talys... Cruel, isn't it?
But... No one's heard the rumors here. I'm thankful for the kindness everyone has shown me.
Oh, Princess Sharena! Um, have I told you about my mother...





오의 발동

Oh, I'm in trouble!困ったなあ…
I need that money!お金がいるんです!
My mother's sick!病気の母が…!
Think what you like!どう言われようと…!


Oh, mother...母さん…ごめん…


Oh! *chuckle*ふう…
I am Castor—from Talys. Truth is, m-my mother's sick, and I'm short on money?ぼくはタリスのカシムです。実は、母が病気でお金が…
*squeal* What? M-my mother? She's sick! Really sick!ひっ…!? な、なんですか? 本当に母が病気なんです!
My mother is ill. To afford her medicine, I would do anything.病気の母に薬を買うためにお金がいるんです。
Princess Caeda and Prince Marth are so kind! Even to somebody like me...シーダ様もマルス様も、ぼくみたいな男に優しくしてくださって…
So many friendly faces here.ここにも、親切そうな人がたくさんいるなあ…
Oh... What should I do? I'm in trouble!はあ…困ったなあ…。とても困ったなあ…
My life is yours!ぼくはあなたに、この命を捧げます!

아군 턴 터치

Of course!はい!
No thanks!失礼します!

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