괴도 캐스/대사
Quake in your boots, nobles! The great Cath has come to Askr to relieve you of your ill-gotten gains! | は~るばる きまし~た 異世界~どうもどうも~、お宝をいただきにやって参りました! |
Heehee... There's no treasure I can't steal. Time to make some coin! Oh, you heard that? Forget I said anything! | フッフッフッ…やる気になってきた!あたしに盗めない宝はない!え、あ、いまのはヒトリゴトだよ? |
When invaders ordered us to set our village on fire, my cowardly father was the first to pick up a torch. | ……戦争であたしたちの村は燃やされた。たくさん兵士たちが来て、言われるままに村に火をつけた……それがあたしの父さん。 |
Even a master thief has a sense of honor. I give every coin I steal to those who need it more. | あたしは一文無しの怪盗よ。だって、盗んだお金は自分のものにしない。困ってる人たちにあげておしまいだもの。 |
I'll never let myself owe anything to anyone. I won't allow anyone to have that kind of power over me! | あたしは権力に従うだけの弱虫には絶対なりたくないの!金持ちなんてロクなやついないんだから! |
A castle as imposing as this one must have a massive treasure vault. I'll find out soon enough... | スゴイねえ、これだけ立派な根城ならお宝も期待できそうじゃない?ムフ…ムフフ…… |
친구 방문
Your friend sent me to say hi and to get the location of your treasure vault. Haha! Just kidding! | [フレンド]がヨロシクって!それで、このお城のお宝はどこに?ヤダナー、聞いてみるだけですって~ |
레벨 업
Oh! My treasure-sense is tingling... Shiny coins and sparkling jewelry! They cry out to Cath, master thief! | おったからがあ・た・し・を 呼んでいるっと! |
This fighting should make for a perfect distraction while I sneak in and nab some good loot! | さて、このスキにいただけるものはいただいちゃいますか! |
Eh. Don't sweat the small stuff. We should focus on the bigger picture, yeah? | まあまあ、細かいことは気にしない! |
Well, aren't you the generous one? | おおっ!?太っ腹! |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oops! Heeheehee... I dropped my scarf. Could you get that? You know, you remind me of an old flame. You might just be my type... Oof! Why are you pushing me away? Oh, this is awkward. OK, you caught me. I'm sorry. You're pretty perceptive. I spent a lot of time perfecting that ruse. Pretty slick, don't you agree? I thought you might have a nice bunch of Orbs on you, that's all. No harm, no foul, eh? | えへへっ……あたし、よっちゃったみたい… 前から思ってたんだけど、[召喚師]ってさああたしの好きな人に似てるんだよね…… ……あっ、いたた!手をはなしてよ!ごめんごめん、謝るから! あ、あたしの渾身の色仕掛けを見切るなんてただものじゃないわね! 何かすごいオーブとか持ってるのかなーって気になっただけだから!あははっ、じゃ、そーゆーことでっ! |
それっ | |
Sorry | ごめんね~ |
きゃあっ | |
This is bad... | ヤバい… |
오의 발동
Ooh, how irritating! | うわ むかつくー |
How pathetic! | 情けない奴! |
Don't sweat the small stuff! | 細かいことは気にしない! |
All right, bye! | それじゃね バァイ! |
Hehe... I messed up... | へへ…ドジっちゃった… |
Closed mouth giggle... | ムフフ… |
Hello, my name is Cath! I have come to Askr! | は~るばる来まし~たアスク王国ぅ~。どうも~キャスでーす! |
What? Me? What was I doing? Oh, nothing. *nervous chuckle* | ひゃっ!? な、何をしてたかって? さあ~? |
I really hate bandits! They're disgusting. | あたしはね、山賊が大キライなの! も~転がりたくなるくらいキライ。 |
Nobles sure are dumb. Always fighting wars. | まったくえらい人たちってのはバカだね。戦争ばっかして。 |
As a master thief, I have sense of honor. I would never keep the gold I steal! | あたしは怪盗よ。プライドがある。盗んだお金は自分のものなんかにしない。 |
Do you think it's all right to do anything as long as you're "protecting" someone? Burn a village down, or destroy crops? | 守るためなら何をしてもいいわけ? 村を焼き払おうが田畑を荒らそうが… |
From here on, I'm naming you my number-two underling! | 今日からあんた、あたしの子分その2ね。 |
아군 턴 터치
Alright, alright! | はいは~い |
We'll get it done. | やってるやってる |
H-hi there! | どうも~ |