백기의 차녀 카츄아/대사


I'm Catria, the middle of the three sisters in Macedon's Whitewings. I serve Princess Minerva.マケドニア白騎士団三姉妹の次女、カチュアです。ミネルバ王女にお仕えしています。

I'm a pegasus knight, just like my sisters, Palla and Est.パオラ姉様、私、エスト…三姉妹全員が天馬騎士なの。
Macedonian fliers are divided into the pegasus Whitewings and the wyvern Dragoons. I'm a Whitewing.マケドニアには飛竜に乗る竜騎士団とペガサスに乗る白騎士団があるの。私が所属するのは白騎士団の方ね。
*sigh* Ah! How embarrassing—you caught me daydreaming!はぁ…… あっ、ごめんなさい。物思いなんて…恥ずかしいところを見せてしまったわね…
My sister Palla often says I'm clever but stubborn... *sigh* I wonder which one I am today...パオラ姉様からよく言われるの。カチュアは頭が良いのに頭が固いって…どっちなのよ、もう…
I'd better get training. I'm not as talented as Palla or Est, so I have to make it up with effort.ええ、これから訓練よ。私にはパオラ姉様やエストほどの才能はないから…その分努力しないと。

친구 방문

I've been sent here on an errand by [Friend].
You know, just to say hi!

레벨 업

Times like this are when I really need to focus.好調の時こそ、気を引き締めないと。
Slowly but surely...I'm improving.ゆっくりでも着実に成長を重ねて…
I hope no one sees me like this!こんな姿…見せられない…


It's good to see my effort bearing fruit like this.積み重ねてきた結果がやっと形になって嬉しいわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Huh. Is that how I seem? Like I'm always staring off into the distance?
Heehee! I guess if that's how it seems, it's probably true, right?
But I know how to fix it—by spending more time with you, developing our...bond.
I know that every day I spend with you will help me focus and keep me looking straight ahead.
As long as I have you by my side, I can do anything.




Ugh... No...くっ…こんな…

오의 발동

Here I go!いきます
Finishing blow!これでとどめ
This ought to do it!この技なら…
No matter the cost!命に代えても




Whatever you need, I'll get the job done.どんな任務でも務めてみせるわ
Augh! Er...I mean, what's going on?きゃっ!? な、何のつもり…?
I must never bring shame to the Whitewings.白騎士団の名に恥じないように
I...I have a lot of respect for you.あなたのことは尊敬してるわ
Allies help one another.仲間同士、助け合いましょう
I know I shouldn't feel this way about...him.これは、抱いてはいけない気持ち…
Thank you for having me join you. It means a lot.傍にいてくれて、ありがとう…

아군 턴 터치

Easy now...慎重に
You got it.行きます

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Want a nightmare?悪夢を見たい?
Good night!おやすみなさい
Go peacefully...せめて安らかに…
Don't stay up too late!夜更かしはだめよ

패배 - 신장

I must sleep...もう…寝なきゃ…

상태창 - 신장

Did you think this clothing would suit me? Hmm.あなた、私にはこの衣装が似合うと思ったの? ふーん…
*surprise react* What? Is something wrong?きゃっ!? どうしたの、どこか変だった?
I've noticed that the dökkálfar seem to keep to themselves.スヴァルトアルフの人たちは、何だかいつも人を避けてるみたい。
I can't wait to see what sort of new clothes Palla and Est are wearing.姉さんやエストはどんな服に着替えるのかしら?
The true nightmare is unending battle. We must bring the fighting to a stop.争いの続く現実の方が悪夢のようだわ。終わらせなければね。
I wish that my dreams could bring him to me, at least... But no, it is better to not even dream it.せめて夢の中であの人と…なんて。夢でもいけないわ…
If you do happen to have a dream of me, I hope that it's a nice one...あなたの夢に私が出てきたら、いい夢って思ってくれる?

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

All right.そうね
I'm dozing off.眠いわ…
Into a dream...夢の中へ

캐릭터 페이지로