봄색의 백기사 카츄아/대사


I'm Catria of the Whitewings. These clothes... They're part of my mission. Just...try to forget about them.私は白騎士団のカチュア。この格好は…任務のために必要で…あ、あまり気にしないで…

It has gotten a little warmer, hasn't it? We are at war, I know...but you must take a break sometime.暖かくなってきたわね…今は戦時中ではあるけれど、少し一息つきたくなるわ。
I have never really had the chance to pause and enjoy the changing of the seasons before...
Spring really is lovely, isn't it?
How about some training? I know the spring festival is exciting, but we can't get carried away.一緒に訓練しましょうか?春祭りだからって、浮かれるわけにはいかないわ。
You'll see a lot of rabbits at the spring festival. They represent prosperity and fertility.
I hear that some visitors even wish on them, hoping to be blessed with a child that's healthy and happy.
Now that it's getting warmer, it might be a good time to scrub down the pegasi. I'm sure they'd enjoy it.せっかく暖かくなったから、天馬たちの身体を洗ってあげようかしら。あの子たちもきっと喜ぶはずよ。

친구 방문

I bring [Friend]'s greetings. That's not why I'm dressed like this, though.[フレンド]の代理として、こちらに挨拶に参りました。こ、この格好のことは、どうかお構いなく…

레벨 업

Spring brings growth. Something good is on its way...新しい春の訪れ…何か良いことが起こりそうな予感がするわ。
The breeze is gentle and warm...心地良い春の風を感じるわ…
Spring may be on its way, but it isn't here quite yet.春はまだ、遠いみたいね…


This is a fresh start, like the first day of spring. I will do my best.新しい春、心機一転、がんばるつもりよ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Stopping to enjoy a spring festival... It's a little bit hard for me to wrap my head around, frankly.
The thought would never have crossed my mind before. I was too busy fighting for my life...
Then again, perhaps the struggles we went through give meaning to our celebrations today.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take the conversation down such a serious path. I can't help but speak my mind...
Really, I should just drop everything and enjoy myself for now. But that's not a thing I really know how to do.
Maybe you can help me figure it out— help me figure out how to change.
When I'm with you, I feel like I can get a glimpse into what it might be like...to live a different life.
Thank you, [Summoner].




My clothes!服が…!

오의 발동

Spring is here!スプリングハズカム
For the cause!任務のためなら!
It's not the outfit!どんな格好でも…!
Fear the rabbit!ウサギさんよ


Don't bury me in this...せめて…着替えさせて…


I'm Catria of the Whitewings. Please don't ask why I'm dressed like this.白騎士団のカチュアよ。こ、この格好の理由は聞かないで…
Hey! What did you do that for? Oh, my ears were crooked...きゃあっ!? え、ウサギの耳が曲がってた…?
I wonder what my sisters would say if they saw me dressed like this.こんな姿、姉さんたちに見られたらなんて言われるか…
How did I end up in this outfit? This is not great.は、恥ずかしいから…そんなに見ないで…もう、どうして私がこんな格好を…
I look good dressed like this? You're just saying that...え? 似合ってる…? バ、バカなこと言わないで。
Hoppity-hop! Is that really what rabbits say?ぴ、ぴょん…? だめ、絶対言えないわ…
My desire to protect you is no laughing matter! Unlike this outfit...格好はともかく、あなたを守りたい気持ちは真剣よ。格好はともかく…

아군 턴 터치

Here we go!はい
What should I do?どうすればいいの?
For spring!任務のためなら…

캐릭터 페이지로